30 day challenges

Got my hour of yoga done before work. Not sure about these lunges. Butt is on fire from yesterday. Lol


Right, had to do wuss excersice today after my HIT workout at the gym yesterday absolutely battered my thighs yesterday, done 50 leg raises and 50 bicep curls per arm with a 1.5kg weight, surely something is better than nothing, although My husband laughs at me everytime I walk anywhere as I look like John Wayne without his donkey :joy: day 3 done


Hurting, really hurting :joy:

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I’m so pleased I went for the yoga challenge… I mean I’m a bit achey but not to the point I’d be mistaken for a cowboy :joy:

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It’s so bad honestly, shame we can’t upload video straight from our phone, struggling to get in and out of the car was unreal, my husband nearly parked in disabled at the supermarket just to be closer to the store :joy: I had to laugh myself, I’m sure if I could post a video a few others would be laughing at me too :joy:

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:rofl: Met a friend for dinner after finishing the reps challenge for the day. I fell back in my chair trying to get up when we were done.

I didn’t know lunges were hard!


I just finished! Today was hard because I couldn´t bring myself to do part of the workout in the morning so I had to do everything in the afternoon/evening and I can´t do everything in one go so it got a bit late but I did it.
My arms realy hurt! I´ve got a guitar lesson tomorrow, let´s see if I can hold my instrument :joy:


I’m doing alright. :slight_smile: did an hour of yoga and 100 lunges only did 15 push ups lol


Day 3, check! Crunches good, 60 push ups again, though evening pushups were modified for my noodle arms. Could. Not. Push. Up. 120 lunges today though.

Stretch and relaxation yoga to finish the day now.

Did not manage 5am start today. Needed the extra hour in bed. But I have a yoga class tonight so I think that still counts!

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Very true no one want to get hurt gonna spread mine out today have a great day everyone :smiley:

Day 4… check! 40 min on the elliptical. Golfing this afternoon for the first time since being sober. Golf usually included a 6-12 pack of beer. Curious what sober golf will feel like. :sunglasses:

Agreed. I skipped day 3. I know my body and it said do it again today and die bitch lol. I needed a rest day, back at it today! In the past when I overdid it, this fibro shit would have me in bed for 4 days at a time. No thank you! I listen to it now and life is good.

Took at least 6 strokes off my back nine , I was usually trashed them lol

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Sound advice! A day off is the smart. I’ve also been trying other modifications that hit other muscle groups to give the sore muscles a break.

Today… Probably a whole day off. My friend’s wedding is today then off to work overnight. Good time for an off day.

Good point, I hope everybody knows when it´s time to give your body a break, no one should work out in constant pain!
I´m sore but not hurt (although my guitar felt like someone filled it with stones today) so I´m gonna try to keep going :muscle:


Day 4 60 push ups, 60 sit up and 60 side leg raises on each leg, couldn’t do lunges so opted for using different muscles


Yesterday I did a yoga series with one of my clients. I didn’t finish all of the lunges (my legs started cramping). I finished everything today yet, but I’m chipping away.


Joe Rogen (his pod cast) with Ari Shariff, Bert Kriescher, and Tom Segura (also each one of these comedians has a pod cast) did Sober October last year, no weed, no alcohol, no drugs. They even made a bet. Was funny bit also powerful. Will totally do 30 days with you!

Was thinking about wall sits but my legs are still recovering :joy: should really look into yoga, do you find it helpful?

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