30 days accomplished!

Feeling great! No real cravings but keeping sheltered pretty much. Working out, reading a lot and proud! Should have done this years ago! Thx everyone for the support


:+1::muscle:good for u that’s hard and u made it!

Great job! I’ve never made it 30 days, so in my mind you’re a superstar. Keep up the healthy lifestyle!

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30 days is a great feeling. Still maybe have some ups and downs in the next 30, but it keeps getting easier as long as you have the honest desire to quit.

I hit 60 today, And I feel within the last week or so that I’m getting to a true sober state of mind.

Keep it up!

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Thank you! 60 days is a great accomplishment too. I know I have a ways to go but if I feel as good as I do at 30 days when I reach 60 BRING IT ON!

Thanks – not been easy but I feel stronger. Support matters! :slight_smile: