30 days ago

30 days ago tonight I was pounding craft beers at a concert like prohibition was starting the next day. It was an embarrassing, self degredating night. The only positive thing to come out of it was that my alcoholism was out in the open and I made the decision to never drink again. Breaking the habit of drinking every day was not easy. Stress and drinking go hand in hand with me. I stress out so much I wake up stressed from dreams about being stressed. I’m thankful for this app since I really don’t have anyone to talk to about this. I showed my wife my sober day count and she asked if that was a long time. I don’t get her at all, she hated my drinking but is unenthusiastic about me quiting. Things are better than they’ve been in a long time though so I’ll keep on keeping on.


30 days is awsome, congratulations!!! We understand here how amazing it is to get to that point. Its hard when you dont have all the support you need but you can always get some here. Even though your wife was un enthusiastic, you should be thrilled with your achievement and progress. This process is all about you and how you feel, you could talk to your wife about how you would like to receive support from her, if you feel comfortable doing that. Great work to ya!!!


Spouses take a very long time to heal from the abuse of our addictions.

It’s not going to happen over night. Wouldn’t be surprised if she thinks it’s not going to last.

So keep at it, and hopefully someday you can prove to her it’s for real.


@Gvillegtor congrats on 30 days! I also have an unenthusiastic spouse. He doesn’t understand at all. He asked me today how long I was going to do this, like it was a phase. Ugh.