30 days down

I’m 30 days sober and it’s such a crazy feeling. I remember being 2 days sober and thinking it would be impossible for me to stay sober. The withdrawals put me in the hospital my first week of sobriety. Afterwards, I felt so lost. I didn’t know how to be in this world sober… I didn’t know who I was. You know, i still don’t have that quite figured out, but I’m trying. When I was drunk, I didn’t care about anything, I didn’t try to be happy. I’m trying now. It’s still not easy for me, but if I can get through the withdrawals and not cave and also get through thanksgiving without caving, I know I’m stronger than I thought. You know what still REALLY bothers me? Peoples reaction to me not wanting to drink. I told my coworker last week that I don’t drink anymore and she said “well this weekend we are going out, so you’re drinking.” I’m very polite… I laughed and told her no I will not drink with her. After when I really thought about it, it angered me! I think tomorrow I’m going to tell her something. She should know it bothered me and how disrespected I felt. I’m venting … 30 days down… a lifetime to go :heart:


Wow awesome job!! Keep it up. I know what you mean about friends being pushy with the drinking. Just stay strong and know youre on the right path now.

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