30 days is now!

Thank you!:smiling_face: :cherry_blossom:

Yes addiction is a trickser or makes you thinking like an one …good that you are fine :pray:

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Awesome achievement, Julie! Congrats :dizzy::dizzy::tada::tada:

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Thank you! I feel good!! Now it is 31 days! Addiction was tapping me on my shoulder today, I really had to slap it off!

Yes it sure is!!! Crazy it almost feels like it is a different person in you saying come on just one! I really Have to work my way through it at times visualizing the real outcome!:face_with_peeking_eye:

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Exactly that’s it-but I promise it will be better by the time-it’s not means it’s gone forever but the sober part in our consciousness is growing day by day and will be stronger btw,at exactly day 30 I was on a concert booked in time I was drinking, but it was no problem then I knew that I would went if it’s to much but it wasn’t.
But it’s not to compares to now - every months the mental and physical conditions recovers​:heart_hands::heartbeat:

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