I’ve been sober before, 4 years, from 2007 - 2011, but I fell-off the wagon back in 2011, ever since then I’ve been on and off of alcohol. This time I realized than for these past few years my trigger has been anxiety. True is that back in the days I treated what at that time was causing me to drink, but drifting away from recovery and spiritual care only brought up new triggers, which lately have been keeping me relapsing. It’s true when people says that even once we get sober, life keeps happening and the world keeps moving, so it’s of vital importance to keep up with recovery and never stop growing with it, never get cocky and think you got it all under control by yourself, because with out recovery as an outlet or support system/team, life will build up again and new demons will be born, dragging us back to alcohol or/and drugs. Today once again I have 33 days sober, but this time I’m taking actions to stay sober, I’m back in AA, counseling, changed diet, sleeping habits, and most important I have a circle of trust, my family. Back in the days I lost one, now God has given me the opportunity to have a new family and this time I’m not loosing them. I’m 32 now and time flow is different now, few more years and my life will be basically over, it’s time to stop fucking around and allow me to enjoy what really matters.
Thank you all for being here for me and allowing me to share, I hope somehow this post helps or inspires someone. I’m so grateful for today and I wish you all the best, stay strong and lets keep on kicking ass 1 day at the time.