4 months and struggling

I am coming up on 4 months and this haa been the longest 4 months ever. I gaimed so much weight because I seemed to have replaced alcohol with food.


Welcome, your not alone i have given up booze and cigarettes, i have been eating lots but i have started doing workouts on you tube and walking each day, have a look at the body coach Joe Wicks, it is for beginners and then you can work your way up, good luck stick to it 4 months is fab


Welcome! It happened to me as well. What kind of recovery program do you work? It might help stop the substitution of one thing for another.


Please don’t give up :muscle:t2:

TW relapse alcohol, toxic relationships, ED

I am the bad example…
I failed after 5 months end of December out of a relaxed situation and thinking, okay I can handle a few glasses here on holiday.
I ended in drinking the heavy amount I ended with in July after a few days…
And (!) had a relaps to a very toxic relationship. Hanging around with him, drinking to the limit and having nonsense sex. And… Struggling with ED in a way I didn’t for months.

Non! of it was worth it!
My body and mental health is wounded,
just trying to heal everything. Having a hard way getting back on the sober horse right now.

Please reach out for help!
Find what’s missing to stay sober…
Are you into any kind of sports?
This is always helpful to me…
Or a recovery program / group?
The last point is new to me, but i learned that a recovery program is important… Just missed that recovery feeling before relapsing.

Sending strength and a hug! :people_hugging:


I dont follow any program at the moment.


May i recommend reading Allen Carr the easy way

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Snippets out of the book


Start with the middle, pitcher plant, soz put them in wrong order

First of all congratulations in a fantastic achievement of 4 months sobriety. If you’ve done it alone that’s probably why it’s been so hard and painful, you really need to be supported in your sobriety journey, that’s where TS plays a part, but, even this is not enough, you need to go to an AA meeting, either online or in person. I recommend in person as shaking hands and talking to another alcoholic F2F works wonders and you will have all the support you need.
Next get a sponsor and do the 12 steps, trust me it really does work and is the best thing I’ve ever done.
Stay sober and take care of yourself.

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There are a lot out there. We have many members that even have their own. Might be something to think about.

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Welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman:

:sparkler:4 months Congratulations to you :fireworks:

You are AN example. Your story is like hundreds of others on here. So many of us decide (or convince ourselves) we’re OK. And we do it because we are NOT OK.

This is this reason working sobriety without a program is just not using. It’s not sobriety. The program doesn’t have to be a traditional one, though those are a great way to start.

Look into a bunch of them AA, SMART, Recovery Dharma, etc. Some people use this forum as their program and support.

Glad you’re here.


Bravo dude
You are strong
Keep going you can do it

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Ive given up alcohol and cigarettes too and also put on weight. I cant stop eating and thinking about food. I try to walk everyday and not eat too much at night but i find having a bag of chips with my favorite non alcoholic drink helps me get through the evenings without alcohol. Im hoping in time i can change that but for now im happy to be not drinking. The weight will come off us sooner or later but we are better off without the other 2 vices.

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Same! I’m just starting counseling to help get to the root cause of my addictive behavior. Congrats on your time, keep it up!

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Congratulations on your 4 months. Such an amazing achievement. Just because you gained a little weight its not the end of the world. Please try not let that get you down. I think gaining some weight for me is better than waking up sick to my stomach and riddled with anxiety and fear every morning. Not knowing what ive done or who i hurt the night before. Im presuming you gave up for similar reasons. You can start doing small things like a change in diet or walking to start
Your body is taking back all those valuable nutrients lost when you were drinking/using. Dont be too hard on yourself. I find checking into this forum everyday really helps. Best of luck❤


Four months is a huge mile stone, at least it was for me. I focused on nothing but staying sober those first four months. After that, I started looking at my diet and tracking calories through my fitness pal app. In the next three months I was able to drop about 35 pounds through that are eating and exercise. Staying sober is the most important thing, though again, congratulations on your freedom from alcohol.