4 weeks off alcohol

4 weeks now. I must say that I do not feel optimal yet. I sleep better, or at least I am able to be functional even after sleeping 3h. Moods go up and down. Guilt, shame, regrets, despair (impression of having missed the biggest opportunities in my life) are intense, and they come often.

Sugar cravings are becoming more and more sparse.

Humility hits. The most important areas of my life definitely have taken a very wrong way, and so for years. That’s also a hard pill to swallow.

Sometimes I feel the urge to run and apologize to those people who were so dear to me. I patiently wait. I wait to get clear view.

Can someone comment on how much they felt different after more than one month, compared to only one month sober ?

Thanks in advance !


Definitely feeling the same mate, I’m at 40 days.
Have you started any multi vitamins or B12? Could be a good opportunity to talk to your doctor and get some tests done now.


Congrats on 4 weeks! The joys of sobriety unfold at different rates for everyone. Around 30-90 days i felt like i was getting my sober legs and avoiding triggers and experiencing 1sts sober. Its exhausting but sooooo worth it if you keep working at recovery not just sobriety


Nice one reaching 4 weeks. The journey is unique to each person. Personally, I started feeling more stable in my emotions and sleep around 60 days in. Not perfect but better each day.

Not gonna lie, the first 30 days had me crying through a rollercoaster of emotions. What I’ve learned on TS and in SMART meetings is living in the present instead of the past or future is a key part of sobriety. It will get better ODAAT, you’ve got this!


Congrats on 30 days of freedom! For me, when I got to around 60 days I began to feel calmer, happier, less guilt ridden, more confident in my journey. Keep sailing , steady as you go. You got this!:sailboat::peace_symbol:

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Hi and well done for the 4 weeks!
At first every body is different but my turning point so to say was at the 3 months mark.
I felt more stable in my emotions and I slept better so I got a bit more energy.
In this thread you find more info about the stages in recovery, maybe it’s helpful too?

Keep going, each day it will be a bit better!
Difficult days will appear too, but that’s normal.
Overall your life will be so much better then it was while drinking!

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Congratulation on your sober time. Mine is close to yours (34 days). I was feeling all the things you mention. I’ve changed my diet (I now eat 3 times a day instead of 1). I get up in the morning and go for a walk, then come back and do weights followed by exercise bike. My mood has improved 100%. This is the first time I’ve exercised since my 20’s, I’m mid 40’s now, so I’m no gym goer!! I originally thought just quiting would change everything, it doesn’t. You need to find something to fill that time you used to spend drinking. In time you will find new hobbies and pursuits. Think about what you like doing and who you want to become and slowly the fog will lift. I genuinely know what your saying, at one point I thought if this is how I’m going to feel I may as well go back on the drink, I was that fed up! Keep going and give your body and mind time to adapt.