4 years sober why doesn’t it feel like an achievement

4 years sober, why doesn’t it feel like an achievement… it feels like a badge of shame I’ve done nothing achieved nothing in these 4 years except being sober, such a debbie downer today :’)


Not sure you need to hear this, but: 4 years is HUGE, congratulations! I personally think you have achieved a lot, you have said goodbye to a very dear, loyal friend who turned out to be very bad for you. Best decision you ever made, but that doesn’t mean you don’t miss your friend and need to put a LOT of effort into not rekindling the relationship.


Thank you, I did need to hear that…I’m trying my best I’ll keep trying my best with my all till I give out, I miss my friend but I need to remind myself why we had to part, anniversaries are a bit tough for me but I’ll be okay:) x


Congrats on your 4 years !! Sounds like a dry drunk story though? Maybe time to help others, pass it on, or make amends so you can heal?

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Milestones are tricky days, at least for me they are :blush:
Maybe that’s your story too. It always make me emotional unstable and look back to the drinking days.
4 years is a long stretch and I hope you can be proud at yourself a bit too. It’s a lot of work to get there and as @bobslife mentioned: pass it on. Help others here with your knowledge and experience. It will give you connection and is satisfying.
Congratulations with your milestone :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:
200w (3)


Congratulations to you and welcome to the community! 4 Years is s fantastic. Be proud of yourself!

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That in itself is a huge accomplishment.

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You are nuts! 4 years is an insane achievement!!! You have done so much to get there!

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4 years definitely is an achievement in my book and I think it’s a big deal!!! I can also understand having a downer of a day, especially around milestones. Sobriety is such a big change in your life as well. Being sober doesn’t change all the ups and downs that come with just being alive (it does allow us to think clearly and make better decisions tho + a lot more). But life will still present challenges at times. It could be you are in a bit of a depression, that happens. Or maybe you need some things in your life to help spark some joy…time in nature, fresh perspective, I don’t know…just a thought. We all get the doldrums sometimes, so you aren’t alone. Feelings are okay to feel. :people_hugging::heart: