5 months sober

And going through a very challenging time personally as my husband is an alcoholic but I’m not picking up thanks to AA. One day at a time :heart_eyes:


Great job on 5months!!!You can do it!!Don’t loose the focus and stay busy!!AA meetings are great!8)


I’ve just come back on here and I am now 7.5 months sober and tobacco free. But the challenges of living with an alcoholic husband continue and I realise that soon I may need to make a very difficult decision. Thank you for your words of encouragement. One day at a time :slight_smile:


That’s beautiful! Here I am again, sorta hungover. Hating myself for things I did yesterday. And I always say…this is the last time. My husband is fed up with me. I’m hoping getting back on track here at Sober Time and counseling will help. Any tips?

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Now 8 months sober. One day at a time. Best wishes to you on your journey. I really appreciate your message :blush:


AA. Get to meetings. Get a sponser. Work the programme. And most of all believe it can be done and have faith that you won’t be doing it alone. It’s the best thing I ever did :slight_smile:

@Amanda13 Keep going!! It’s even more difficult to protect your sobriety when someone close to you is an addict as well. My boyfriend is a severe binge drinker but since I quit, he’s cut back significantly and has really paid attention to the advantages he’s seeing me gain of living sober. Hopefully, you’re husband has chosen to jump aboard the sober train. But if not, what matters is being passionate about your sobriety for yourself. I can’t wait until I make it to where you are at 8 months!!! It’ll be my 18 day mark at 8pm tonight and it already seems like forever

Hi pal!! Congrats on 8 months!! Super inspiring😊

Does your husband think he doesn’t have a problem? Or does he know but just doesn’t want to quit? Last question, does he know you are considering leaving him over this??

I only ask cuz I was on the other end once. I was the husband. My wife never told me in so many words that she was so unhappy about my drinking and the life that created. Had I known, maybe I would have quit sooner. That’s a big Maybe tho :wink:

I did get better tho. And so did you!!

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Well done and keep on a day at a time or even one hour at a time. My husband isn’t drinking at the moment for health reasons but it’s complicated. Right now my recovery has to be my priority. I am only nust really finding out who I am. Your journey will be amazing. It will be hard. It will be unique. It will also be the most beautiful gift you can give yourself :purple_heart:

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Thanks for that. He knows. He doesn’t want to stop but isn’t drinking at the moment as he has to have an operation. He does know how I feel but may not know how serious it is. We are trying to work it through but it’s a little more complicated. Lovely to hear you are well now :slight_smile: