5 more days till 500

Yep 5 more days till five hundred days of no alcohol
Well one time I did have a piece of tiramisu and I’ve had a couple na beers along the way which have a minimal amount but that’s it like 0.1 percent I even had one beer that was 0.5 but that was to much for me so I threw the second one out.
I might just have to get a new sobriety coin that reads 500 days wat do u guys think
I also take questions :laughing::ok_hand::+1:


500 days, that’s fantastic! Awesome job.


At the beginning of my recovery, due to my sister’s mistake, she prepared a dessert with an alcoholic beverage for Christmas. I didn’t know about it. I found out while I was tasting it with a big puff in my mouth. She told me about it as an anecdote. I tried to spit it out quickly. but it was already in my throat it was too late. she just thought my problem was cocaine, but I’m addicted to any mood-altering substance, and that includes alcohol and marijuana. I felt a little sad about the situation, I didn’t know if it counted as a relapse, I talked to my NA sponsor and he told me that it was not a situation that he was aware of, that there are many recovery comrades who are careful even with the mouthwash they use if it contains alcohol, but it is very different when you make it conscious, one of the characteristics of addiction is its pattern of obsessive-compulsive behavior, and that is why there is the famous phrase that we hear in groups “one drink is too much and a thousand are not enough” now i’m more careful with it self-deception is just around the corner but now you have 500 days and you’ve worked hard to stay sober that’s very important take good care of it our sober time is our greatest treasure living in recovery is wonderful . congratulations


4 days now :tada::partying_face: to the big 500


Thats great keep it up.

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500 was a big one for me. When I was struggling I saw on here people with 500 and it seemed just astounding.
Make sure u make a post!
500 days club


Thanks il try :+1::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I will :relieved::heart:

Thanks soul man :sweat_smile: