5 weeks / aggravated

I’m getting more and more upset as time passes. I know I’m not “back to normal” yet but my brain moves crazy slow. I probably need to challange myself a bit more, which I’ll figure out, just not sure how at this time. I notice more and more how many qualities I loved about me that i’ve lost. Some are coming back which is amazing. I’m probably being too hard on myself right now but after months of tapering and 5 weeks off opiates, my patients is being tried so hard! Anyone have any insight about it getting better?


Your probably being to hard on yourself but it’s expected and it’s OK…
Your still on an Emotional roller coaster and i wish i could tell you some time period for it and when it’s going to end…I’m at 110 days and i still have my ups and downs, my cravings are basically gone but dealing with life on life’s terms with nothing to run to to hide from the pain can be difficult at times., but when I’m able to get through it i feel stronger knowing that i did it in my own without having to hide.
It will get better, you will get stronger…never stop fighting…it’s worth the fight

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Thanks so much Rikk… I havent had a single craving really but this emotional shiz sucks!

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@Lise I’m on day 217 (my second time around) and I’m still dealing with emotions that pop up. Someone said something to me agree amtg the other day and I wanted to knock his block off (and I am in no way a violent person), I went home reeling in anger, I had to really think about why I was so mad, what was my part in all this anger and it came to me that I was full of fear over a financial matter and that this guy just found me at the wrong time and my fear for something else, was misdirected at him as anger. The idea of taking a daily inventory of my thoughts and actions helps me immensely and realizing when I may need to make an amends to someone in order to find peace. Many times that “someone” is me😕. Be kind to yourself, you stayed sober, do something nice for yourself or for someone else. It helps!


I didn’t see this before! That made me laugh and probably isn’t a bad idea. I actually have one that I haven’t used it in years but I won’t say it on here… I cuss enough on this thing lol. I’m eating healthier (most of the time), I’m taking vitamins that I’m hoping will help soon with stablizing my mood. My anxiety isn’t every day anymore TG! I’m on the right track so I will try to keep the “crazy” at bay and I probably should be checking in on here more often. Thanks for all the help you’ve given me Ang!! I always look foward to see what you have to say.


That’s scary as hell! Maybe I need to start hitting my punching bag again. Seemed to help in the past. I will try to continue doing things for others. That absolutely helps.


The night after I wrote this post, I had a dream that my legs were so sore that I could barely walk. My friend always googles her dreams so she did mine and it said exactly what everyone else said on here. I’m going through a lot and being too hard on myself. Thought it was pretty cool and now I’m going to start looking them up. Thought I’d share so if anyone else is curious, they knew to do the same!

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