5 years sober still sick as he**

Yeah I get it, its all about balance though. I think that we are capable of putting ourselves in situations like that if our spirit is alive.

I don’t know about you but when I am in active addiction my spirit gets sucked from me. Since being in recovery I literally have felt lighter, brighter. (Maybe I sound crazy… ) Anyways my addict is still very alive in me and I can get taken down the rabbit hole fast so I work my ass off to keep my spirit alive. Because I work my ass off situations like you are mentioning don’t make me feel any sort of way. They did before because I was missing something… I was missing me.

I agree with you I don’t think that you can ask anyone to change for you. Wouldn’t it be nice to have some recovery friends there playing pool with you too?

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I don’t know one person that doesn’t drink and play pool. I have been in these situations a lot and I have come out stronger . I can’t be strong all the time and this time is the first time I truly thought to myself why why am I doing this. Even though I had doubts I still didn’t drink. Time to reevaluate and slowly find myself again.

Keep us posted on your recovery wish you well