6 days down the drain. :(

Well, I blew it. 6 days down the drain. I had a beer while out to dinner with my Fiancé. I am very disappointed in myself. He helped me stop at 1 which at first I was pissed about it and had to refrain from saying something i would regret, but I know he is trying to help me because he cares about me. I feel aweful.

I’m sad that I am so weak and pathetically addicted to alcohol that I couldn’t make to one week.

Any reason he didn’t speak up about ordering the first?

Sobriety isn’t easy so please stop being so hard on yourself. I know I need a lot of support and I get it from this forum and AA meetings. You can’t do this alone… i learned that the hard way. Be kind to yourself and have patience. Try again … you can do it

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Don’t be too down on yourself, it’s so hard quitting something that is so socially acceptable. It’s just a bump in the road, not the end of it. Think of yourself as an award winning recipe, it takes time and a lot of trial and error to get there! But it will be worth it :slight_smile:


Hi. Don’t be too hard. Dust down. If you go sober from today you’ll be on day 7 on Christmas day. :blush:


Thank you all for your kind words.

@alpine_1975 I’m not sure. He might have been working up the courage to say something. He is an amazing human being. He gently reminded me that I would have to reset my timer in the app. I of couse started to make excuses for drinking it and he said that I needed to stick to my goal and that I don’t need the beer. He’s right and I know it. He doesn’t drink. At all. Over the 8 years we have been together he has drank less that a dozen times and even then it’s a beer or two. He has always disliked that I drink so much. I’m glad he spoke up, even if it was after I had ordered it.

The reality of being an addict is hard to come to terms with. I am so mad that I can’t control it. I keep thinking, why shouldn’t I be allowed to be like everyone else. But the reality it that I am not…and I need to face that fact.

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Thank you, everyone… for your support. I am grateful for your kind, strong words of encouragement…even though you don’t know me. I have felt alone in this for so long and I am so happy to have found this app and forum.


dont be to hard on yourself - many people dont even try going sober.

So big up to you - Dust yourself off and try again :slight_smile:

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