6 months 15 days

This is my first post here. I’m 6 months 15 days sober. It wasn’t hard to stop drinking, it was hard to drink moderately; one always led to 3 or 4.

My issue is that I’ve substituted food for alcohol and now I’m fatter than I’ve ever been and feel worse than if I were drinking. I’m tired of eating yet each day I continue over eating. I was mostly a normal weight before I stopped drinking… what to do?


Hi there leshawn. That’s definitely tough and understandable honestly. While it’s definitely better then drinking everyday, It Def can be unhealthy. May I ask how old you are and are you male female to better assist you ?

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First of all: congratulations!!!
Operating is an issue for me too. I guess we are learning how to cope in a healthy way.
Keep eating but healthy food. That is helping me at the moment: fruit, cereal, carrots, … I try not to have junk food in home

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Hi Mike,
I’m 63 and female. The food addiction is way worst than the drinking. I don’t want to start drinking again :tired_face:. I’m so fat now its a real obvious problem.


Welcome to the forum, Leshawn, and congrats on your 6+ months!

Try the search bar, using food addiction as your search term. There are many threads here on that topic.

Blessings on your house :pray:


I know how hard it is to deal with weight gain in our later years…🙋
Have you thought about meetings for overeating? Idk if there’s anything like that in your area but it might help if there are.

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Congratulations LaShawn. That’s some great work on the sobriety.
I’m 60 and I started my sober and weight loss journey Jan 2 this year. I knew I would need support for both. I love to eat and drink. A lot!!
Anyway… I found the TS app. Great help from all the people here.
And I downloaded the Noom app. Noom.com. There is a quarterly fee for the Noom app. Both have worked magic for me.
The Noom app gives you lots of tools; a coach for help and a group for support help. And an easy way to log all, and I mean ALL of your food. Calorie counter. Step counter which adjust your calorie intake for you. Exercise log. All from your phone. I was tired of being fat drunk and hungover. I’m now 215 days sober and at goal weight with a 45 pound weight loss. Both these support groups have worked for me. You would have to commit to a quarterly payment on your credit card but you can cancel before the next quarter if you don’t like it. It isn’t that expensive IMO.
Good luck
God Bless


Congratulations on the six months plus sober. That’s huge.

One of the best things I did after I quit drinking was get a Fitbit. At approximately six months sober, I realized I was pretty immobile, planted in front of my tv and eating crap.

A friend suggested I get a Fitbit and start walking. I thought it sounded silly but got one anyway. I took up walking as my new addiction. I started at the recommended 10,000 steps a day. Every day. I walked to local parks. I got off the train a few stops early so I could walk home. I explored areas I had never paid attention to. I no longer minded forgetting to pick something up at the store, I’d just walk back and get more steps.

Weight started coming off. My clothes became loser and my legs started becoming toned. I increased my step count since I started and have kept up the daily walking habit for the last five and a half years. I lost over 40 pounds and have kept it off for five and a half years.

I’m not always in the mood to walk, but once I do, I’m good. When I start moving, I get more energy. Walking is an incredibly easy, comfortable and low impact way to change your body and your health.

When I saw the results and weight loss, it inspired me to make better decisions about what I was eating and it also furthered my commitment to sobriety: for me the walking and sobriety go hand in hand.

Finally, for me the movement and walking is therapeutic and meditative. It helps me clear my head and take in my surroundings, giving me a perspective I lacked while hibernating on my sofa.