60 days! So happy!

I can’t believe it, but I’ve hit my 60 day milestone free from alcohol today! Definitely the longest I have made it in the 30 years since I started drinking!
Honestly, the benefits I’ve felt in terms of improved sleep, mental and physical health, relationships and mood is motivation in itself to keep going.
Some things that have helped:
Daily yoga and (almost) daily meditation (I’m trying at least!)
Checking in with this incredible community of inspiring individuals daily - thank you everyone!
Extra long dog walks….
Creating distractions during my ‘danger hour’ of 4pm- 5pm (i volunteered to do the school run every day at that time)
Journaling. Talking to supportive friends. Revisiting my list of reasons I wrote in the beginning of why i was sick of drinking.
Exploring AF drinks options, I know triggering for some, but brands like Curious Elixirs and Seedlip have proved helpful (and not triggering) for me. But yeh, know yourself and what might trigger you.
Anyway, thanks again everyone! Have a great 2/2/22 :hugs::blush:


Congratulations, that’s wonderful!

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Congrats on 60 days!! That’s awesome!

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This is so inspiring! Well done! So impressive! I hope to be typing the same thing in 55 days time…! Keep up the good work and thanks for the tips - I’ll keep making sure I’ve got stuff planned in the danger hours (mine are 6pm-7pm) :slight_smile: xxx

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Good for you, Vic :slight_smile: staying sober isnt the easy road, but in all fairness, life itself is no dance on roses. The benefits of sobriety supersedes the drawbacks by a mile! As you wrote it yourself, increased quality of sleep and no hangovers are reasons enough in and off themselves, not to mention the money saved! Hard earned money should be spent on something more meaningful than booze in my opinion.

Im just a few days ahead of you. Let’s cheer one another forwards to new milestones and new personal victories! All the best and Gods mercy to you in your battle

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Way to go! Congratulations!

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If I can do it, you can do it! Keep going xo

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Thank you! Yep, no hangovers is THE BEST EVER! :rofl:

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60 days thats brilliant congratulations and be super proud of yourself :slightly_smiling_face:

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:tada: :boom: :dizzy: Woot WOOT!! Congrats on your 60 days!! :dizzy: :boom: :tada:

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