60 days sober! So proud and pleased!

I hit the 60 days barrier just moments ago, and boy am I proud of myself! This is so great :slight_smile:
Ive been dreaming about consuming alcohol in recent weeks. It did always feel more like nightmares than dreams to be honest.
The terror of “- Why did I do this?!”, and “-to what end?!” was the prominent feeling while asleep.

Im so happy they were only nightmares and nothing else. Now Im set for the ninety days badge! Please, just bring’em on and I’ll knock them down, one by one :slight_smile:


Absolutely FANTASTIC!!! The magnificent feeling of achievement is deservingly yours today!!! :heart::heart::heart::hugs::hugs::hugs:

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Hooray for your 60 days!!! It is such a big deal and a lot to accomplish!! Well done!!


Congratulations on your 60 days! :partying_face::blush:



Congratulations on your 60 days! :confetti_ball::tada: Keep on adding them! :muscle:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:

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You are awesome :sunglasses::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::dizzy:… well done on your clean time :pray::pray:

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Thanks for the “pat on the back” y’all, It’s highly appreciated :slight_smile:
Has anyone but me experienced similar night terrors involving regretful consumption…?
Its the weirdest thing ever. I prepared for such things to happen in the first couple of weeks, but it all went down much smoother than I had prepared for. Then all of the sudden I began having these wierd dreams from day fifty and onwards. Seems odd…

Inputs or similar experiences? Anyone?

God bless