7 day bender. 2 days clean

I managed 10 days, then ended up partying with friends until the early hours. That led to me just partying with anyone at all for the next 7 days including people I’d never choose to be around sober & I also made some bad decisions. Hating on myself, some very shameful events. Now half way through my third day & have planned out my bank holiday to avoid everyone except my pregnant best friend. Still struggling so hard with the break up. Doctors appointment on Thursday for some extra help when the anxiety hits, it was easier to drink than deal with it. This has to be my new path now!! I spent all my money that I’d saved for my bills & am now scrimping by & wondering what to sell. I can see the life without chaos & I want to choose it! Come on bank holiday… we got this!


Hey. Sometimes doing something we grey can make us learn from it. Maybe it is something you think is negative but maybe try and make it a positive. I’m trying atm to not drink or smoke. I usually drink 15 drinks a night and a pack of smokes. And the worse is it’s at home by myself lol. It is hard to not drink completely, maybe change the drink to something weaker, or maybe when you’re about to have a drink, remember what your goal was and remind yourself why you choose the path to no alcohol. But in time you will get stronger and most likely be able to have 1 or 2 in a blue moon and stop.

Even the times I might have managed a one or two, say, If I’m hungover haha, I’ve always panicked that they would turn into more anyway. Alcohol is chaos for me. It’s all or nothing. Even if I go to this festival I meant to go to this Sunday, I can predict what will happen… I feel like I need to stay away until I’m healed from the break up & more confident in myself. I did some really awful things to someone I love during the bender & I don’t want to loathe myself in that way. It scares me now… that I just can’t stop after one or two… maybe being scared is a good thing!


Also the problem with alcohol is that it goes hand in hand with my terrible coke habit… that’s where all the money goes… they’re my evil twins …


I don’t know why you are even considering going to that festival on Sunday. Doesn’t sound like you can handle it at all.


Yeah. I suffer anxiety alot but it’s at its worse when quitting an addiction I.E alcohol. Hopefully you don’t go to this festival as it seems you haven’t been able to handle the “temptation” just yet. Maybe go for a nice walk along the beach or somewhere nice instead. Talking about it can help you stay away for that little bit longer. We might fail 20 times but in the end you can push through, it gets easier and I have been there before. I’m on my first day of quitting both and hand in hand they go well too. But just think about the positive affects for your health and money and tell yourself why you want to do this. We might fail, but the more we try, the stronger you can be.

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I agree sis. Avoid slippery slopes.


Hell yeah you called me sis! I’m actually a guy, but am honored to be a sis! Was it the unicorn picture?


Amen sis!:heart_eyes: hahaha. That festival would be kryptonite!.. i feel a chill in the air i think i have a cold… cough


I’ve done almost the same as you and feel so low. We went away with really good friends last weekend who I haven’t plucked up courage to tell about my problem yet. They all enjoy a drink and that’s mainly what the weekend was about so my boyfriend was dreading it because of me. I was ok and managed to keep myself under control and didn’t ruin the weekend like I have done in the past but my problem is I’ve secretly drank every night since then (4 days) going to bed early saying I’m tired. It’s my boyfriends birthday today and I really want to make it special for him but I feel so low and have no motivation. I’m really hating the person I see in the mirror every morning at the moment. I know I shouldn’t have gone, I should tell them about my problem but I feel lonely now so I’m worried nobody will invite me any where once they know. I’ve reset my counter today and I’m going to really try to find my inner strength to do this. I hope you manage too because it’s very lonely being where we are. Best of luck


I’m at work at the moment really struggling with myself. I do love him so much and I’m scared he will eventually give up on me. I will definitely go home and try to make his day special. Thank-you for replying

Alas,… it’s with my favourite bands & it’s an hour away… if I drive… I can’t do a thing!!.. If I feel at all nervous during the day before, or too excited ON the day, then yes… oh no, sniffles!?! Headache!? I’m already forcing myself to stay in & be ‘boring’ the next few nights, cry & get all the heartbreak out. I shall see! Also if I drive, I can bail at any anxious moment!! Nice get out clause! X

Sending you some strength & love! I know how hard it is to be around people who still drink, I get naturally jealous or wonder why I can’t just moderate like them. Unfortunately I’ve had to leave my Boyfriend behind because he is also a problem drinker but being 7 years younger doesn’t have a problem with it yet or believe it to be harmful to him even though I can see a better life for him without it. End of the day, it’s only a problem if you yourself perceive it so, so you need to concentrate on yourself!! Take yourself out of situations if they make you feel anxious. Xxxxx

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Well now that your disease has tricked you into going I would recommend letting someone else drive. If you are going to drink it’s best to be safe and given your track record it’s a pretty good chance you will drink. Nothing changes if nothing changes. If you aren’t willing to put in the work and make changes to your people places and things then your life will go on just as it is. I’d rather see you safe and just have to reset your counter so please just let someone else drive.


Hahaha I was referring zee woman in regards to what you said.

Oh, I thought I was special :cry:

I’m going to apologize if I come off as a bit of a hard-ass here, but I think you need some firm, loving truth: PRIORITIES…I would highly advise you examine yours closely. A music festival and your favorite band?

Let’s look at this from two angles: Odds (of your using/drinking) and Stakes (the effect a relapse would have on your continued well-being). The odds are stacked so far against you at this point in your sobriety, that this is a sucker’s bet. The stakes? I dunno…how does eventual death strike you?

Talk to anyone with some solid sobriety under their belt, and ask them to describe the terminal nature of addiction. You don’t have to look far…@englishd has a very wise outlook in this regard.

All this, for a music festival…your favorite band, notwithstanding. I can tell you this: The Runaways could have a 1-night only reunion concert, with L7 opening, and I wouldn’t go, if I had the least bit chance of relapsing.

The only bit of music I’d risk potential death for is the National Anthem and the Marine’s Hymn.


I’d not even consider drinking & driving. Not in a million years. Taking my car would mean I don’t full stop. Sober or not sober I’d never drink if it was with me. I do agree with everyone’s concern about being in the moment & possible chance of relapse in that sense. I’d not make a decision until the day. I’ll know if I can do it or not before I go. It’s good to hear the experts tell me all of this though! I appreciate it x

I’m guessing every alcoholic on here has said they would never drink and drive. I remember saying it once too… Funny thing is that alcohol impairs our brains and lowers inhibitions.


Oh I don’t have to drive for 3 hours. I can have one. Then another. Then 10. Then oh no, I have no other way to get home. Well it will be okay if I drive just this one time. I’m not that drunk. I spaced then out enough. You can pick your own tragic ending from here

Can anyone relate?


I can. Or happy hour. I feel fine. Then you drive, and as you sit in traffic, the booze gets into your system. Then you aren’t fine, and you know it.

I can count on one hand the number of times I was foolish enough to roll these dice, but I’d be a liar if I said I never, ever drank and drove. I am so thankful to God that I never hurt anyone, got jammed up with the law, or wrecked my car, and I am fully aware that you can only play the odds so long before you roll boxcars.

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