7 days down

One week down #boomboomboom #thisisMYlife


Great work @Rex ! :tada: :tada:
Keep it going:muscle:

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@Rex. Good job. Keep up the work. You are worth it

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@Chad_R @Zara thank you. I’m feeling pretty good it’s all down hill now :sunglasses: #thisisMYlife

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Congratulations on hitting a full week! Your posts seem really positive and full of energy. Keep that momentum going!!

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Congratulations! :grin: :sparkles: :balloon:

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Nice job, I’ve reached my first week sober too. We can do this.

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@MrsJones I just conquered opiates. I’m the happiest guy for that. There is nothing that can bring me down
@LeilaBird thank you all the support I got from people on this group was a major help. There is so much support all of us can conquer anything!!
@Chriskapox we are side by side pal. Just keep remembering nothing can stop us. You need any help I’m here same day count, let’s hit that one year mark together ya?
#thisisMYlife #fuckyoupills #tryandstopme