7 months 25 days sober but struggling

Morning all.
Ive not posted here for a while. Things have been going really well and im almost 8 months sober BUT the last week ive been really tempted to drink.My head wont seem to leave me alone.I know if i have just one I will then be back drinking but my head keeps trying to convince me i never had a problem and if i can go this long then surely i could drink on moderation. I know its a lie. Just wanted to share and see if others have felt the same and can relate?
Hope everyone is doing well x


That’s your addiction talking trying to pull you back it’s telling you you weren’t that bad maybe it was just a stage you were going through but it was that bad if you came to a decision you had to stop drinking if you pick up a drink you will go round in a circle maybe go to a AA meeting meet people who are sober wish you well :pray:t2:


And well done on your sober time it’s not easy :pray:t2:


Yes I can relate on that, felt that many times. Your cravings must go away at some point again so just don’t drink! Remember the hangovers and the guilt of drinking, those are not nice feelings! Instead, you can feel healthy for free :slight_smile:


Please keep strong and don’t give in! That stretch of time is amazing, it’s something I’m striving towards.


It’s normal that the addictive mind rises his/hers ugly head a certain amount of sober days/weeks//months etc. at least for me. Years ago I often gave in, thinking I could be a normie. History already had proven that’s not to case, the backdoor is firmly closed now. Next to the days there was always something going on in my life which I felt powerless about, often more then 1 thing that made me wobbly or pushed me in the fuck it mode…,is there something specific that might have triggered your thoughts?

Glad you are here, stay strong. This will pass


Nothing specific, i feel like drinking after a good day rather than a bad one. It sounds ridiculous but its almost like im grieving the loss of alcohol!! It did nothing for me,made me paranoid and anxious and was destroying my health so i dont know why i feel like its some sort of loss. I wont drink.i know that ive tricked myself into believing this time will be different many tines before and this is yhe longest ive been AF in many years. I know if i drink i will be back at square one within days. Its really helped just verblising how i feel.


Ive been there ,started my journey at aa on july 2021 was going very good ,feeling better ,finally felt normal again ,then the thoughts of im not a alcoholic started creeping in ,i can drink normally i thought, and i did on a few occasions ,then it all went to shit and i was back to were i started and its true what they say it gets worse ,ive managed to get myself back on ,and i have 28 days again ,it was a valuable lesson learned, i am a alcoholic and i will never be able to control it ,as soon as i let it in it starts controlling me first it fools me then it takes over the same as it always had


This is not ridiculous, it is a mourning process of saying goodby to a so-called friend.


Many people mention this feeling of grieving the loss of alcohol, its actually a real thing your not alone on this.
I can tell you my experience, i was 8 years sober, it took 8 years to build a great life, actually so happy inside myself my family everything was good and i decided it be ok to have one, well what took 8 years to accomplish was ruined within weeks.
Its really not worth it, dont even let those thoughts in, you have to tell yourself firmly NO and dont let them thoughts creep in and grow.

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