7 months clean, for the first time ever

I’m three days late, but I hit seven months clean. I’ve NEVER hit seven months clean in the past five years of me battling my self harm. I’ve only ever gotten to six months, never past it. I don’t know the exact reason, but I have a feeling it’s because I felt like I didn’t deserve to recover. Or just wanted to sabotage it because I was afraid of getting clean since it was new and unfamiliar. And a huge change. I’m never good with change. Regardless, what I notice this time around is that I barely get urges, even when I’m in the same mental states I was when I would self harm. I notice the urge, but tell it “nah fam, go be a bitch somewhere else” and it does exactly that. I have no urge to destroy my body again like I used to when I would stop. I want to take care of my body now and cherish it, just like I should have been all this time. Anyways, I hope everyone’s doing great and if not, it’s okay. You’ll get past the dark cloud and see the rainbow, just keep hanging on :pleading_face::heart:


Great to hear of your 7 months. I’m just under 2 months and am still struggling but hanging on. Keep going. We can make it together.

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Well done! Congratulations!! :tada:

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Congrats :clap::clap::clap::dizzy::two_hearts:

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Congratulations!! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

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