8 days down. NYE & b-day included

Two hours away from 8 days! I’ve been reflecting on the past eight days and wanted to share.

For a good majority of the 8 days I’ve been on Vacation. I normally drink heavy on long weekeds and vacations. Plus it was a “drinking” Holiday.

I Made it past NYE without a drop spent good quality time with my family. I had zero regrets, zero hangovers, haven’t had to looking for my keys, phone or wallet. It feels great to have cash in my wallet, felt great to buy my kid some ski’s with money that I assumed would be handed over to a bar.

Next week will be my real challenge. I’ll be out of town on a fishing trip. I keep telling myself that if I’m out of town it doesn’t count. But hitting the reset button would really suck…

Thanks for all the support from this board!

Lastly for any redditers out there they have a good sub I found today called r/stopdrinking.


Going out of town, on holidays, on birthdays…all count. Don’t open that door and give yourself an excuse to drink. Be strong and keep thinking about the progress you’ve made. Take it from me, relapse isn’t worth it and not fun dealing with it the next day…you’re not missing out. Drinking, hangovers, and guilt didn’t get any easier or better while you’ve been sober these 8 days.

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Fishing trips are definitely a trigger for me. Now when I do things I used to do while drinking (let’s be real, everything), I try to think of it as an opportunity to re-learn how to do it sober. Have fun! :flags:

Please don’t relapse, I’m nearly 6 days sober and I know what hard work it takes! :dizzy_face: I can only imagine how crap you would feel if you did. Be strong :muscle: no excuses :wink:

That’s fantastic! This time of year has certainly been a challenging time to stop drinking, I’ve found it tough! When was your birthday? Mine is 30th Dec…