90 days! Stand up to addiction. Sobriety will set you free

Today is my 90 day mark sober from heroin and Tuesday was my 90 mark sober for Molly. Very happy and excited to say I’ve been stone cold sober since going into and getting out of impatient and I’m super proud of myself for getting through the holidays and the new year without using. This week has been filled with alot of drama and issues with friends/acquaintances as well as family members. It’s all about staying focused and doing something different when you feel you want to use. I’ve craved quite a bit the past few weeks and would have used but something inside stopped me. I don’t want that lifestyle anymore I don’t want to live afraid waiting for my next fix I want to be set free and I am. On that note, How far along is everyone else?


Been having intense cravings. Thanks for posting this. I really needed this. :heart:

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90 days is a great accomplishment! Keep up the great work!!

That’s great, keep going and take care of yourself. You will be able to start focusing on the things you do want from life rather than what you don’t want. Stay strong and stay sober.

Happy for you! :clap:t2::muscle:t2: that is a huge accomplishment and you should be proud of yourself. Thank u for sharing because as you know it gives the rest of us hope! 12 days off alcohol here…can’t wait to get to 90.

Sober from alcohol for 35 days and I’ve had no desire whatsoever to drink. I hope that lasts forever!!

Just so inspired by everyone’s encouragement and desire. Great job on the 90 days. You are a role model! Killing it!

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Amazing! Great job!

That’s an amazing accomplishment and something to be really proud of! I remember my first 90 days after daily cocaine and alcohol use and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. You are a warrior and know that you are not alone in the battle. I’m 541 days clean and sober and it’s not easy but I’m telling you there is a better life out there for you and you’re well on your way to reaching out and grabbing I. Well done!

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