A bad day really takes a toll on you and your need to relapse

I’m a month sober yesterday and I’m proud I guess yeah. I meant to go to a meeting but I also forgot. Today was an okay day. But does anyone else get a sudden rage. I’m not aggressive or super angry but sometimes I get sensitive and I get annoyed then I yell and walk away further hurting my relationships. I hate it. I’m so used to being alone and drinking or taking pills but. It’s Nott like I want to relapse. I just feel like the more I have these days it gets harder and harder to resist the urge.


These days will happen less and less. Your body is learning how to process emotions. 1 month is bloody amazing!


If you are a bit like me the using is a way to cope with your emotions. Drinking was that for me.
So when I quit I needed another way to cope with that. My plan B became eating chocolat, walking and venting. Do you have your own plan B?
If you are interested check out this thread. It explains the different stages of recovery as well as other stuff:

The first 3 months ore so where difficult mentally so I had a lot of days where I felt irritated ore depressed. It’s part of recovery I guess. You are detoxing from your doc (drug of choice) and your body and mind have to adjust to that. That all makes you unstable.
If you push trough that will be much better when you have more clean time.

Congratulations for the 1 month milestone! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


Congratulations on ur 1 month!!!
I was very the same in early recovery. Every little thing irritated me and frustrated me. Wether that was bcuz i was already sooo mentally tired from the day and from working hard on tecovery, or bcuz i was still learning to process emotions. It was probably a bit of both lol. The urges will lessen over time… if u put in the work that is. At least for me, i can see the difference. When im not going to meetings or not doing my recovery related stuff, the cravings tend to be stronger. But if i AM doing the work, the urges dont come nearly as often, or as strong. And when they do pop up, i have a stronger foundation of recovery for me to comr against them. We have a daily reprieve from our addictions. We MUST put in the work each day if we want to remain clean and sober :slight_smile: It does sometimes feel like a lot of work. But the alternative is far far harder to deal with.


Congratulations on your 1st month, here’s to many more.
There is never a need to relapse, there’s a need to stay sober and a need to take a drink. A relapse happens when the need to stay sober is deminished to a point where the need to drink is greater. As these needs are purley mental (physical need for a drink should be almost gone after a month) so the answer is going to be mental and spiritual. These are the areas you need to concentrate on and try and get to at least a 75/25 split in favour of sobriety, your aiming for 99/1. Your addiction will always be there waiting for you to drop your guard, it’s a lifetime commitment.
There are apps to help in this battle, TS being at the top of the pile, just go on to playstore and search for sobriety. If you haven’t got an android get one as apple is crap.
But, please remember it’s ODAAT, you can get drunk tomorrow, but, as it’s always today you’ll never take that drink.
Stay strong and stay sober :innocent:&:smiling_imp:


These “missed bullet” days can really help solidify your sobriety. When you have calmed down and got some perspective you will be so grateful you didn’t make a bad day worse, and it builds your determination to keep your sobriety no matter what.
And congrats on a month.


My program and sponsor helped me in my early days when problems appeared wish you well


Congratulations on 1 month!
Those early days are extremely hard navigating emotions. What helped me was reaching out to other addicts by phone and at meetings. I needed to be reminded that these tough days don’t last forever and to use the pause method before reacting. Talking through how I was feeling helped change my mindset. Also, it takes hard work daily…I can’t rely on yesterday’s hard work to keep me sober today.


Definitely an array of emotions , i am at five months again again again… etc . Which feels like efinty lol but i know the emotions are all over the place yet i still let them run me, so fucking stupid trying to just meditate on good things right now going thur shoot just making a plan and trying to stick with it seems like mission impossible right now hahaha … gaming in there though with both hands and my teeth lol


Congratulations to you for being one month sober!!! I’m one month sober too :sparkling_heart::pray:t5::raised_hands:t5: When someone pisses you off or you’re having a bad day, you can talk to someone you trusted, take a deep breathe, go for a drive & see what’s new in the store or go workout. It is normal to feel those emotions and that’s part of healing. I can’t let my anger get the best of me. People are going to try to get an emotional response out of me. People that pisses you off, don’t let them make you go back to smoking or drinking. It is better to recognize your triggers so it won’t happen again. We don’t realize that people will say mean things to tempt you into your old ways. Be strong-minded over your emotions and feelings. Remain calm, level-headed when a situation like that comes up again.

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Congratulations on 1 month sober @Gaby. Your brain is learning to create new pathways for coping with emotions without your doc. The rollercoaster of emotions will smooth out eventually. Stay strong, you’ve got this! :muscle: