Hi guys i recently joined this app to help with my recovery. So about me i have been battling porn addiction/ sexual exhaustion for over 11 years. I startes wanking at 13 i didnt grow up in the States so i would come across porn once in a blue then when i moved up here it really went downhill when i got my own first computer in college. Before college it went from wanking once a week to then a few times a week. Then college with stress lonelyness, awkwardness with girls skyrocketed it to almost every day to 3 times a day 6 days a week. What sucked most was when i started dating an i couldnt perform, an it was a super struggle to get hard for sex. Sex wasnt enjoyable because i felt i was on a grill if i couldnt get hard i was basically a robot to a womans touch nothing worked except porn. When i look back i cant remember any time i wasnt thinking or seeking out porn it didnt hit me that this was a problem till early spring this year. I am an i will take this one day at a time but these triggers are really doing a number on me especially in the mornings my goal is to be fully rebooted for a year and change.
Share your thoughts and advice anything would be appreciated