A little about me

Hi guys i recently joined this app to help with my recovery. So about me i have been battling porn addiction/ sexual exhaustion for over 11 years. I startes wanking at 13 i didnt grow up in the States so i would come across porn once in a blue then when i moved up here it really went downhill when i got my own first computer in college. Before college it went from wanking once a week to then a few times a week. Then college with stress lonelyness, awkwardness with girls skyrocketed it to almost every day to 3 times a day 6 days a week. What sucked most was when i started dating an i couldnt perform, an it was a super struggle to get hard for sex. Sex wasnt enjoyable because i felt i was on a grill if i couldnt get hard i was basically a robot to a womans touch nothing worked except porn. When i look back i cant remember any time i wasnt thinking or seeking out porn it didnt hit me that this was a problem till early spring this year. I am an i will take this one day at a time but these triggers are really doing a number on me especially in the mornings my goal is to be fully rebooted for a year and change.

Share your thoughts and advice anything would be appreciated


Thank you for your story @Ruds do you know its groups for all kinds of addictions ? Just a hint . Do what you can and what you are willing to do for your self. Dont be so hard on yourself. This forum is Tons of support. Hope you staying motivated if you do not, you would not be here. Dont loose hope you can do it !

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Thanks @Cobaltchris i breezed through the forum saw alot of folks different stories. I never thought porn would be a problem because everyone said it was normal for years since i was a teenager but this is a long road they say it will take 3 clean months to reboot my brain its jus to hang in there


Its good were both trying to be better, i didnt accept i was addicted till earlier this year it sucked, but with that i saw i had to take time off dating because i wasnt gona keep explaining i needed porn to get hard. An its been a battle especially in the mornings thats when i usually get triggered but i jus need to stay dedicated an busy for the next 3 months