A little worried

I worried myself tonight. My husband is drunk, but is being kind to me. I am preparing for our vacation tomorrow morning, and the anxiety crept up right around 7:15. I almost reached for one of his beers without thinking about it. I grabbed a lime to squeeze into ice water instead. I realized how vulnerable I am and am trying to build myself up for this weekend. I’m imagining quiet time in a hotel while the kids are sleeping and besides the time we vacationed while I was pregnant, I would be having some drinks. I have faith in myself as I have been around alcohol daily, but also trying to prevent the split second decision to give in and get along with him. Just reading that last sentence says how ridiculous this is… but it’s been the only way for 14 years and a new way of life isn’t as comfortable yet wish me luck.


I think that the nerves might be a good thing. It’s a sign you want this. But it will feel like you are on shaky ground at first. Just be prepared for things and REMEMBER you have a choice. But I hope you have a blast and you all make memories that are special. Best wishes

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thanks… I may refer to your response a few times this weekend as a reminder.

I hope you are so caught up in the moment :wink:. I hope husband is onboard with a sober weekend

guarantee husband will not be having a sober weekend. maybe someday, but not anytime soon. We will have fun though. It’s important for the kids. thanks for hoping:)

Just remember we are here for you to vent. If needed. But I think you will navigate it well.

Stay at it @kjm, your doing good. @Chad_R has gave you sound advice. You know you can handle this.

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I posted something yesterday that may help. We are not responsible for that first thought of drinking. We are a bunch of drunks. That thought will come about.

We ARE responsible for the second thought tho. That’s the thought were we decide what to do about that first thought of drinking. That’s when we decide to drink or not drink. That’s when we Decide to use all the tools at our disposal to combat that first thought.

You’re doing great pal! Keep it up :slight_smile:


Good stuff!

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it isn’t about anyone else… just me! everything is going great though!

He pointed out there are 6 packs of Stella in the gift shop… he didn’t buy any! we are having the best time!


Great to hear! So glad you shared it’s going so well. Enjoy yourself