A long night

Having another hard day today. I miss the kids and their mother. Today I vowed to her that I was going to change for the kids and her… I told her I hoped she would give me another chance if things changed and the only she said was “I don’t know what the future will hold”. I wanted to throw up after she said that…I literally got sick to my fucking stomach. My anxiety and depression are off the fucking charts right now and all I want to do is down a fucking bottle of whiskey…I can tell I’m in for a rough sleepless night…


I’m sorry you’re going through this.
You will be judged by her on the basis of your acts not your vows. Give her a little time, don’t force her to say any promise. Just focus on your sobriety, distract yourself and start to build a life you don’t want to lose. Give it some time and reach out if you feel like relapsing.


Change for you man… it’s the key to sustainable sobriety. Our significant others doubt us, and they have damn good reasons to. We give up everything for alcohol which is fucking insane. Give that shit up so you can have a good life. It gets so much better, a million times better. I wish you well my friend