A lot of 24 hours

Laughing big time😂

About humility?..or me stalking the old fart?

“Just an average dry drunk” :joy::joy:until now that would be a golden goal but all of a sudden it sounds…beige. Lets be good at it!!

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You know…you are so right…when I started this in March, thats what I was going for…you got my brain turning.

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Today’s magical bit of wisdom:

  1. The sun is always shining. It might be behind the clouds, but its there. It’s what you make of it.

  2. The world isn’t about you. Most of the time when someone gets pissed off, its because the world isn’t acting according them.


Missed this post the first time around. Excellent advice! Thanks for sharing.

I love when the guys speaks, everyone does. Its like a guru gracing your ears.

Today’s tidbit from Jim(a quote of a quote obviously):

I had the pleasure of setting down and having a meal with Bill W. Obviously that tells you how old I am, and gives you an idea of how many 24hrs I got. We talked about all the people that have come and gone, and I lamented over those I lost track of. Bill put down his fork and said, “people come and go, and honestly it doesnt matter. Wish them well and pray for them. But what matters most is today. We are all here today, do what you can so today is the best day. So when you go out there, be the version of the Big Book that you want people to see. Looking back, I think I want people to see love, kindness, compassion, and empathy”.

Jim will be on vacation for 2 months in Florida…lucky bastards get his wisdom!