A moment of thanks

Always be thankful. Be thankful you made it this far. Be thankful for today. Be thankful you’re alive. Be thankful for your friends and family. Be thankful for sobriety. Be thankful for who you are.

It’s so easy to get lost in this world of chaos and craziness. Dont let it distract you from your goals and dreams.

I’m thankful for your friendship, time, patience and support. I’m thankful that this forum exists. I’m thankful for my strength to reach out and accept the fact that I do need help. I’m thankful for every new day and all of its challenges. Im thankful for every breath I take.

Even though these may be small things to be thankful for, atleast it’s something. Always be thankful and love yourself. :heart:


Lovely words. Makes you stop and think :blush::heart:


Well said Steph. Being thankful makes a huge difference to the people we are and our everyday outlook on people and life.

Thanks for posting this. :+1:

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Love this post, thank you!

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Thankyou. Theres always room for love, kindness and thankfulness. I feel like every once in a while we need to be reminded of the little things to appreciate the bigger things. Much love❤

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Thankyou for taking time to read it. Your kind words are appreciated❤

Thanks for reading!! Its so much easier to be kind than to hate. Sometimes life gets the better of us but it’s up to us to keep on keeping on! We can do it!! :heart:

This was very [quote=“StephSteph, post:1, topic:70892”]
Even though these may be small things to be thankful for, atleast it’s something. Always be thankful and love yourself. :heart:

It’s amazing how people take little things for granted and we now see the importance of these now. I get so happy to just breathe in the air of a cool crisp fall day or the sound a dragonflies wings make. I’m learning to love myself which I have never done before and it will take time, but I am grateful to be alive to do so. :butterfly: :fallen_leaf:


I def needed this reminder tonight. I was grousing this morning when I had the opportunity to be grateful, and I stayed in my negative head. My morning AA meeting helped to start pulling me out of it, and your post finishes the evening beautifully. Namaste :pray:

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I’m thankful you are here. It’s good to take in the little things sometimes. Life is too short not to enjoy those crisp fall mornings and the sound of dragonfly wings. I personally find the smell of rain very relaxing. Listening to the water tap around makes my heart happy. I wish it rained more in california but hey, sunshine is good too. :blush::heart:

I’m glad I could help. Dont be so hard on yourself. Were all growing and learning how to navigate this life. Just remember there is always something to be grateful for. I tend to get stuck in my own head too but that’s what were all here for. If you ever need some help you can always reach out to me. THAT ALSO GOES FOR ANYONE READING THIS. IF YOU NEED A FRIEND TO TALK TO IM HERE FOR ALL OF YOU!! :heart:

I absolutely loved this and needed it today❤️

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I’m glad you found these words useful. Were all in this together. Be thankful for today. :heart:

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