A negative attitude is a trademark of active addiction. Everything that occurred in our lives was someone or something else’s fault. We had blaming others for our shortcomings down to a fine science. In recovery, one of the first things we strive to develop is a new attitude. We find that life goes a lot easier when we replace our negative thinking with positive principals.
While a negative attitude dogged us in our active addiction, all to often it can follow us everywhere we go. How can we begin to adjust our attitudes? By altering our actions. It isn’t easy, but it can be done.
We can start by listening to the way we talk. Before we open our mouths, we ask ourselves some simple questions: Does what I’m going to say speak to the problem, or the solution? Does what I’m going to say framed in some kind of manner? Is what I have to say important, or would everyone be just as well off if I kept my mouth shut? Am I talking just to hear myself talk, or is there some purpose to my “words of wisdom”?
Our attitudes are expressed in our actions. Often, it’s not what we say, but the way we say it, that really matters. As we learn to speak in a more positive manner, we will notice our attitudes improving as well.
JUST FOR TODAY: I want to be free from negativity. Today, I will speak and act positively.
Aaarrrggghhhh I have been sooooo cranky since quitting the booze … yesterday I reached a parenting milestone - I dropped the f-bomb at my kids first and only time in 6 years
@Sarah - It’s legal to drive whilst cranky (probably need to take care a bit more though)
It’s legal to drive whilst fat (admittedly, having had a health check this week, I’ve been told I need to lose weight)!
It’s not a good idea to drive whilst drunk (or even drinking, as I have done many times in the past)!
I’d take fat and cranky and sober any day of the week!!!
@Andy_15052012 yes ok, you have a very good point… every time I eat a bar of chocolate or a packet of crisps I tell myself this is so much better than having a drink and I’m still winning… but I’m 41 in 2 weeks time and my metabolism is slowwwwwwwwwing dowwwwwwwn… this silly BMI thing must be broken, it keeps telling me I’m overweight.
Like I’ve said in another post… I’ve been told I need to lose weight… and yeah, the BMI issue arose as well! But, hey, I’m sober, happy and a little bit podgy (only a little bit). I’ve never actually felt as healthy as I do now EVER!
P.S. The BMI thing is a load of crap anyway. If top professional rugby players were judged by their BMI, they’d all be considered obese. Clearly this is not the case as they are professional athletes!! Enjoy your sobriety, keep active and avoid giving in to the really unhealthy cravings!
Day 3 and crabby as hell. I wonder why not drinking causes such hatred to rise up. At work I totally have to put on a fake face. My mask of happiness. When someone can’t figure out how to use a printer I smile and help. However I’m thinking if only our society could go back to tossing the dumb ones off the cliff again…they waste my oxygen…smile and these feelings shall pass.