A story of break ins, flooding, black mold, and lawsuits I guess

So, I apologize for being so absent lately. I usually love being on here—helping others and asking for advice when I need it—but this last week has been SO overwhelming that I haven’t had time to process anything, let alone talk to anyone. So, sorry in advance because this is going to be a long one. If you want the short version:

My apartment flooded, was broken into by the fire department, left unsecured, had the WRONG part of the ceiling removed, and I received no communication about any of it. I found black mold, was diagnosed with exposure to it, had to find other accommodations, rapidly pack up everything in a contaminated apartment, move two bunnies, a dog, and all our stuff to a hotel room at 9pm, go to apartment showings, and apply (and spend money) for new places. Now we’re waiting for approval while both of us are still working 9+ hours a day. And when the approval comes, we then have to somehow move with ZERO packing done before the end of the month, find people to help us move out of a black mold-infested apartment, get settled into a new place, get all our items decontaminated and somehow pay for it, all while working. On top of this, I have a super important presentation at work next Friday that I still need to finish.

The full story:
I’m going through something really triggering and stressful right now. I’ve been living in an apartment for a little over two years. It’s income-restricted and federally funded, but it’s still nearly $2,000 a month for a 1 bed, 1 bath, plus office nook that’s only 800 square feet (which, if you don’t know, is SMALL). Our neighbors are mostly addicts, recovering addicts, elderly people, or single parents just trying to get by. But the inside of our apartment is actually really nice for what this place is—renovated, white, bright, and we keep it VERY clean. Both my fiancé and I have severe health issues, so we’re total neat freaks, which has become even more important to me since getting sober.

Last Friday, we went out for date night. We got a call from the emergency maintenance guy saying the fire department had to break into our unit. We found out the reason was that the roof was leaking and set off the fire alarm system, which went off for hours while we were out. (By the way, my poor dog was SO scared when we got home.) I get there, and the door frame and deadbolt are DESTROYED—not just damaged, but ruined. There’s water everywhere. They fixed the deadbolt, but it did nothing because the frame was bent so badly it wouldn’t even latch. They gave us a bucket and told us they’d be back on Tuesday to fix things. Tuesday comes, no one calls or fixes anything. I call the front office, and they had no idea about the flood. The maintenance guy calls back and says someone will be there Wednesday.

Now, I work in the roofing industry, so I wanted to be there when they started work. (I was worried about mold, and the plan was to cut the drywall out of the ceiling to help it dry and prevent the water from spreading.) I confirmed with both the front office and the maintenance team that they would call me first before starting. They never did. I get home, and there’s a hole in the ceiling. I was SO angry because:

  1. The hole wasn’t even in the right place; the water had spread further, and they didn’t cut out the damaged portion of the drywall.
  2. They didn’t fix the door frame, so my apartment was still unsecured.
  3. When I looked up into the hole… BLACK MOLD WAS EVERYWHERE.

I tried reaching out to the maintenance guy, but he didn’t respond. I also sent a four-page email to the front office detailing everything. No response that day. What’s worse, they didn’t call me beforehand like they said they would, or after to tell me it was done. They didn’t disclose the mold either. If I found it immediately, there’s no way a contractor didn’t see it, so they chose not to tell me. They didn’t follow procedures for sealing it or ventilating it—they just left it. And when you agitate black mold, the spores spread everywhere, which further contaminated my entire apartment and they said NOTHING. Let’s also remember I have two bunnies right next to the hole and a dog in the next room.

My fiancé and I have both been sick for the last three months, and we just thought it was the winter or a cold. But when I saw the mold, I thought, “Well, that’s why we’ve been sick.” I went to urgent care yesterday. There’s no specific “test” for black mold exposure, so they ruled everything else out—chest X-rays, labs, tests for COVID, flu, strep, HSV… NOTHING. The doctor diagnosed me with black mold exposure as the only possible cause for my symptoms and high fever. I shared the doctor’s note with the apartment complex, and their only response was that THEY don’t think it’s black mold.

I also work with mold professionals, and I had one look at it, and they confirmed it’s 100% black mold. The apartment said they would test it themselves to show me it’s not black mold, but they suggested I move my stuff to a vacant unit. I asked two things: will my rent be discounted since the apartment hasn’t been habitable and you’re asking me to move with no help? And, I told them my doctor advised I not return to the complex until the mold was removed because of the health risks. If I’m going to move, I need the new unit to be fully inspected for black mold, and they also need to inspect and remove it from other areas of the complex. They refused. Plus, the door still hasn’t been fixed, and there’s water damage everywhere.

So, their only other option was to let us out of our lease. But they don’t want to take any financial responsibility. They’re still wanting the full month’s rent for this month, and they won’t help with moving costs, or the thousands of dollars in testing from my doctor, or decontamination of our personal items, or for the items in our apartment that got water-damaged. They also won’t cover hotel costs. Since we can’t safely live there because of the mold, or while it’s being removed, they’re acting like if we won’t move to another potentially contaminated unit two doors down (which is probably infested as well), then it’s not their problem.

Yesterday, they finally came to “fix” the door… it still isn’t fixed. They also took a mold sample, but agitated it AGAIN and didn’t seal it off properly.

Thankfully, my fiancé’s work put us up in a hotel for the weekend, and we went to tour a new apartment. We’re waiting to hear back, and I’m SO nervous. Our credit is fine, and our rental history is good, but my fiancé does have a charge from a year ago that he was not convicted for, so I’m hoping that won’t be an issue. I’m also hoping I don’t have anything on my record that I don’t know about since I haven’t had a background check done in forever… sucks not being able to remember the bad things I’ve done. Ugh.

But also… who has first month, last month, and a security deposit just lying around? Not to mention, I live in Colorado where rent for something decent, clean, and safe is $2,000. I certainly don’t have $6k just lying around. Fortunately, this new place is willing to work with us. I’m trying to look at this as a blessing in disguise, because I know something MUCH better is waiting on the other side of this. I have to say I am so proud of how me and my fiance handled this. Not ONCE did we fight, or blame each other… nor did we drink or do anything else other than support each other an get through it. This is by far the most triggering thing I have gone through while sober and we’re getting through it. So I will at least take that win.

I could just absolutely SCREAM right now. Now that we’ve gotten away from the exposure we are feeling worse because your body has to go through a detox to get the toxins out… so that is delightful. On top of that I am just sick to my stomach with anxiety. Once we for sure have somewhere else to move I very much so plan to sue because I got sick, for the medical costs, for the water damage to our items, de-contamination of our personal belongings, potentially moving costs, our accommodations, anything else we had to buy due to this situation and I will not be paying January’s rent in full and I will be requesting my security deposit as well.


Oh my goodness what a nightmare. I’m so sorry about that. It must have been shocking - just completely shocking - to come home and find what you did :angry: I’m shocked just reading it :worried:

I hope you guys are able to find a replacement soon.


It was. And at first when he called i thought he was going to tell me there was a fire, that id just lost everything and my pets. So i was relieved. But then as it went on it just spiraled into this mess… and now i just feel very lost. Once i get approved by the new place I’ll feel better. But I’m not handling the stress well at all.


To be real i think I’m having like a small and somehow very controlled nervous breakdown rn :face_exhaling:


Have you heard of the “light stream” technique of visualization? My therapist has been working on it with me. It’s different from meditation - at least for me it is different - because it is more about altering and dissolving my negative experience of (di)stress. (My experience with meditation has been more of accepting, rather than conscious alteration of distress.)

The script is fairly simple:

I can only imagine what you’re going through. All this stuff landing at the same time. It is like being forced to carry more and more things while still hiking through your life, and as every new thing gets added you feel that weight and you still trudge forward.

How have you guys been communicating about this? Have you taken time to share with each other the whole picture of how you are feeling?


This is outrageous and I’m so sorry that it’s happening to you
The apartment complex is 100% in the wrong for not taking this note seriously or being primpiin any resolution.

I had an issue with red ants in my apartment once and the complex tried to blame me for being dirty which my OCD ass said was not it …I had a severe allergic reaction and was in the hospital overnight. I left the next day and demanded my deposit. They happily gave this to me and I later found out one of the managers lived under me and was the filthy one who somehow contaminated the entire unit.

You have rights. I know the fire department does what they need to when entering a building and many door frames have been broken in our building. The apartment complex is under contract to provide a suitable and safe environment for habitat. Black mold and a unlockable door does not meet the requirements.
Do not pay any additional rent. Do demand your deposit back and you may even be able to take legal action for your health issues as they were so laxed about it. Did you take any pictures or possibly have the reports from mold professionals. I would also document the time line and go back to you getting sick and all your symptoms.

So very sorry this is happening. I do hope you both feel better soon and are able to settle into a new space soon :pray:t4:

Sending comfort and hugs as I can only imagine the gravity of anxiety and emotional distress you two are experiencing. :people_hugging:


Get pictures of everything.
Wash your animals in soap and water before bringing them into a new space. Their fur will hold the spores.
Wash your hair and wear NEW clothes into the new space.
Don’t try to wash old clothes if exposed in that room. Don’t take them. I’;m sorry.
Don’t take anything porous. I;m sorry. But they’re only things.

You know instinctively how to do this.

take pictures of your contents losses and list them and file for them, even in small claims court if necessary, for now.

Get as high dollar amount as is allowed in your state for small claims court, then take the rest to a larger case - this is absolutely negligence. They didn’t want to deal with it; they don’t get to do that in life.

That ceiling has flooded many times before and they never fixed the leak. Therefore you got sick. Contact former residents if necessary.

Have testing done by a certified mold specialist

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I’ve been down the ,old road many times. It’s difficult due to no real laws as to what “too much mold” is. But pictures of the mold itself should help. It’ll be up to a judge.

Medical records should help too - you’ve both been sick.

Don’t take the mold with you. Wash hard (non-porous) objects outdoors with water & vinegar and keep changing rags.

Wash your HAIR real good before going into your new space.

I lost everything due to this, and it was heartbreaking. But God got me through it. It was only things. I rebuilt in time. But I tried to take clothes and shoes with me and wash them - sit didn’t work. You can’t kill mold; you can only REMOVE it.

One last thing: Both you and your fiancee have health problems already, right? Sometimes unresolved resentment can make our bodies BLOCK (NOT CLEAR) things in our environment. Also I think fear is involved. Look to spiritual (steps - 12 steps) healing as well. I think spiritual malady is at the root of a lot of this as to why we get so sick, we are sensitive and maladjusted to life. Healing & recovering should help.

It’s an awful, hard hthing, but you will get through this. Lots of love.

By the way this is UNACCEPTABLE:

“…they don’t want to take any financial responsibility. They’re still wanting the full month’s rent for this month, and they won’t help with moving costs, or the thousands of dollars in testing from my doctor, or decontamination of our personal items, or for the items in our apartment that got water-damaged. They also won’t cover hotel costs. Since we can’t safely live there because of the mold, or while it’s being removed, they’re acting like if we won’t move to another potentially contaminated unit two doors down (which is probably infested as well), then it’s not their problem.”

These f-ing a-holes.

Thank you! That is some awesome insight. Im going to look into this more. I do meditate and do it in different ways all the time. This is so interesting.

We are acrually doing really well. We checked in with how each other were feeling, we suppoeted each other, we packed and got to a hotel super efficiently, we didnt fight or blame each other like we used to, and we calmly got through the finncial stuff and made a few great plans together to get through this.

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Thank you so very much.
Omg how awful. I’m sorry you had to go through that!!

Yeah, i fully plan to get my deposit back, I’m not paying any additional rent and am doing my best to get us out. Were just waiting on the approval for the new place. A little nervous bc im approved and we are just waiting for my fiance who arrested for a violent crime last year but he wasnt convicted which is what their denial criteria says so i think we are good but man this is so anxiety inducing.

I’m just not even sure how to feel. We wont know until Monday now :sob:

I’m choosing to have faith and trust that between the universe, god, and everything in between are looking out for us and this will work out. But man its so hard to stay positive rn


Sending you calming and loving energy. I can imagine all the stress and anxiety you are experiencing. I am sorry that you are in limbo. You have done everything you can and now you have to let the universe do it’s thing (as hard as that is). Try to make the best of today. Hope you get an answer quickly :pray:t4::people_hugging:


Thank you so much! I could use all the good vibes and energy. I am very much so putting my trust in the universe. Ive turned my life around in so many ways anr have put so much more positivity into this world lately. I know the universe doesnt owe me anything and that i still have a long way to go. But i hope that i am deserving enough for a miracle right now.

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You are (I think) deserving of a miracle now.

The tricky thing is sometimes the universe’s definition of miracle is sometimes unexpected. I hope still that it won’t be too much unexpected :sweat_smile:

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Ive been trying to look at this whole thing as a miracle. Maybe this all happened to push us to this new beautiful apartment community. Who knows. But I’ll definitely update you guys tomorrow on the application. Just really need this to work out.


Rooting for you. Looking forward to hearing more :slightly_smiling_face:

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@JazzyS @Matt
Update for yall… they say it is still pending because they need documents from the court. Their denial criteria is no felonies or convictions. Mine cleared fine. Somehow, ive never been arrested. My fiance on the other hand is a different story. Only one thing has happened in the past 5 years (thats how far back they look) and it was the incident that caused us to get sober. He did get arrested but he was not convicted. He took a deffered sentence and as long as he completed probation, which he did, it was esdentially like it never happened. Theyre basically supposed to withhold the guilty part. So in theory we should be fine. But my god are we stressed right now. We only have one more night at this hotel before we have nowhere to live. I’m terrified. Trying to keep the faith but man is this scary.


That’s a lot of uncertainty to have to go through without answers. I can only imagine it’s nerve-racking. Atleast you both have eachother and your sobriety right now. Are all other options exhausted? Are there friends that you can stay with or fam, for the meantime?


Thank you for the update - sorry that you don’t have any answers or direction yet. I can imagine this being so stressful and full of anxiety. Remember to breathe as right now it is out of your hands. Hoping for a good outcome and a quick answer. :pray:

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We’ve pretty much gone through all our options. I am honestly terrified. I am just not in a good place mentally. But I keep telling myself that it is going to work out.

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