Very very exciting
What a ride I’m so sorry for what you guys have been going through. Great to see that things finally getting better
Thank you so much. The rushed move is unfortunate but honestly, such an awful thing turned out to be an insane blessing.
Yes! I’m so happy right now!
What great news on the new home for you. How is going?
How’d the move go? Hope you both are feeling better now that you are in a mood free environment
I love that you and fiance handled this awful situation so well. Only in sobriety does that happen. I hope only good things for you, fiance, pup, and bunnies.
We officially got moved out fully yestersay. It was hard to get this done while not taking any time off work. My man is a rockstar and took a day off and basically got 95% of our stuff moced while i was at work. So excited to get our new home set up
Ive had to be tnere intermittently to finish packing snf moving and am still pretty sick but we are feeling much better overall thank you!
Thank you so very much
I am so happy for you. Thank you for keeping us updated here…Hope to see pictures of your new place.
Oh i will definitely be showing some pictures!!! Just need to find the energy and motivation to unpack lol
Update on the new place so far! Hard to try to make everything all nice in between life and work but we’re very happy here. As far as the other place… i sent them a 9 page demand letter, outling the damage to my personal items, health, mental health, and my bank account. I outlined the cost of the items damaged in the flood, the hotel, moving supplies and help, medical expenses etc… I also called them out for providing a false mold report and several other unethical things… they said:
Thank you for your email. This email confirms that our maintenance team, along with a third-party vendor, will be onsite today, February 7th, between 4:00 PM and 4:30 PM to address the situation in unit 416.
Please ensure that the team has clear access to the affected area. If you have any pets, kindly secure them during the visit for the safety of both your pet and our team.
We also want to take this opportunity to remind you about the importance of renter’s insurance. Do you currently have an active renter’s insurance policy? If so, you may want to consider filing a claim for any damaged items. Your renter’s insurance may provide coverage.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.
I included a screen shot of my response, to which the only reply i got was:
Can you provide a forwarding address to mail your deposit disposition report?
So. That part isnt going well. But i have a meeting w a lawyer this week. ALSO small piece of background: my dog Sage was not supposed to be living in the unit without a $500 pet deposit and $200 extra per month) they allow dog guests though. The lease specifically states that a dog or human can only stay in the unit for 14 consecutive nights (2 weeks) So we legitimately would let her have a sleep over with my sister who LOVES her every two weeks while we went for a date night. Petty? Yes. Within the bounds of my contact with them? Also yes lol beyond that, i literally havent even had a lease for over 6 months bc they kept cancelling my meetings to resign or not showing up. (Theres a part in there where the doggo is briefly discussed. So i wanted to clarify that lol)
Anyways. At least I’m now dealing w all this from our new home and not a hotel, car, or on the street somewhere. So I’m very thankful for the blessing we now have. Thank you all so much for the support. Its been so great having people to talk to. I felt like i was going crazy. Youre all awesome. @JazzyS @Matt @Cjp @Philipwithonel @tailee17 @Tragicfarinelli @Sabrina80 @Mbwoman
A few pics of the new apartment so far:
My very angry but fair and still like mostly professional email response:
Love your new home. You are doing great. Hoping your struggles lessen soon.
Dealing with such morons costs so much energy, health and money Reminds me of my old apartment, full of black mold and bugs.
Later I found out that all renters had the same problems.
Our landlord always said it’s our fault. But it was his fault, the house wasn’t isolated, old and wet from roof to basement.
Good to see you’re now in a safe and clean home Wishing you all the best with those idiots
What a saga! It looks like things are slowly coming together. That’s good news. I’m happy to see the pieces coming together for you
Ugh i am so sorry you had to go through that
What a nice space to live in! Good luck with it all
Oh dear friend…I’m so sorry this complex is being such hardasses and not addressing the problem or providing a decent response.
I love your new space!!! So grateful that you have it and are working on making it your own.
Glad you are working with an attorney to handle this situation as it does not seem like they are going to admit to anything and shifting blame it ignoring the situation is more their speed. Very disheartening. Grateful that you made it out and are regaining your health. Hopefully the other tenants are safe too.
Thanks for the update and the pics.
Thanks so much for all the support