Today on my 7th day of sobriety, I attended an AA meeting. It’s my second time attending one and I kinda like it. So much support and love and understanding in one room. On my 7th day, I feel pretty good. I flaked on my friends last night because I don’t feel strong enough to hang at a bar just yet. I’m sure I’ll get there one day, but not anytime soon. For those who haven’t attended an AA meeting, I suggest you do. It’s so uplifting and the people there are soooo kind. Anyway, I hope you all are having an awesome and sober day xxxx
Highly agree, it’s awesome to be around people who are generally happy and sober!
Aa meetings and have a sponsor and this forum and work the steps are my one priority.
I have been putting off getting a sponser. I think subconsciously I just want to go as slow or fast at my recovery as I choose. I’ve been walking that wall for a few months now & not really working the steps. Any words/reasons you can offer on what help a sponser can provide?
One is to see how and what i did to myself i was destroyed inside, my feelings did slowly die . I was a missed up person Who did things without reasoning. A sponsor can guide u trough what and how you can do it . I have let my shame go .that was the hard part of it all. And its necessary
Hi Marty, I agree with what cobaltchris said… I think they help you see a lot of things and plus I wouldn’t want to talk to a therapist or someone who isn’t an addict about my problem because I’d feel like they don’t know what it’s like to walk in my shoes, but sponsors do! It’s a breath of fresh air knowing that we are not alone. I say just try it.
Ok, I’ll jump off the wall & do it! Thanks for the push guys.
Only addicts can fully understand what causes ( i speak for my self on this part ) my actions - how and why i have done surden things in my past . . I went to clinic my first and last i hope. All of thoose Who work there are/ was former drugaddicts/ alcoholics. IT was a 12 step clinic . 67 % recovery in total. As far as the stats are . They and other like my self did got me trough it . As far as i belive it does work, only if you are willing. My fam and others i can speak to in a another way … i spread it litle around …
Well I finally got a sponser…Looking forward to moving forward & really learning from my past & my new present.
Yay Marty!!! Please keep me updated with your journey. It helps me stay in line
Thats amazing congratulation i hope you will get alot of good advices and support from him or her and dont rush the steps. One step at the time .happy for you man !!
This motivated me to get a sponsor tonight ! Thank you
That’s great!!! Let me know how it goes
Thats very good News @MissComplicated hope you find a Great one Who you can trust . Stay focused on how you want your life to be . Stay optimistic and positive .