AA meetings

Today on my 7th day of sobriety, I attended an AA meeting. It’s my second time attending one and I kinda like it. So much support and love and understanding in one room. On my 7th day, I feel pretty good. I flaked on my friends last night because I don’t feel strong enough to hang at a bar just yet. I’m sure I’ll get there one day, but not anytime soon. For those who haven’t attended an AA meeting, I suggest you do. It’s so uplifting and the people there are soooo kind. Anyway, I hope you all are having an awesome and sober day :slight_smile: xxxx


Highly agree, it’s awesome to be around people who are generally happy and sober!

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Aa meetings and have a sponsor and this forum and work the steps are my one priority.

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I have been putting off getting a sponser. I think subconsciously I just want to go as slow or fast at my recovery as I choose. I’ve been walking that wall for a few months now & not really working the steps. Any words/reasons you can offer on what help a sponser can provide?

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One is to see how and what i did to myself i was destroyed inside, my feelings did slowly die . I was a missed up person Who did things without reasoning. A sponsor can guide u trough what and how you can do it . I have let my shame go .that was the hard part of it all. And its necessary


Hi Marty, I agree with what cobaltchris said… I think they help you see a lot of things and plus I wouldn’t want to talk to a therapist or someone who isn’t an addict about my problem because I’d feel like they don’t know what it’s like to walk in my shoes, but sponsors do! It’s a breath of fresh air knowing that we are not alone. I say just try it.


Ok, I’ll jump off the wall & do it! Thanks for the push guys.


Only addicts can fully understand what causes ( i speak for my self on this part ) my actions - how and why i have done surden things in my past . . I went to clinic my first and last i hope. All of thoose Who work there are/ was former drugaddicts/ alcoholics. IT was a 12 step clinic . 67 % recovery in total. As far as the stats are . They and other like my self did got me trough it . As far as i belive it does work, only if you are willing. My fam and others i can speak to in a another way … i spread it litle around …

Well I finally got a sponser…Looking forward to moving forward & really learning from my past & my new present.


Yay Marty!!! Please keep me updated with your journey. It helps me stay in line :slight_smile:

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Thats amazing congratulation :slight_smile: i hope you will get alot of good advices and support from him or her :slight_smile: and dont rush the steps. One step at the time .happy for you man !!

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This motivated me to get a sponsor tonight ! Thank you :slight_smile:


That’s great!!! Let me know how it goes :slight_smile:

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Thats very good News @MissComplicated hope you find a Great one Who you can trust . Stay focused on how you want your life to be . Stay optimistic and positive .