AA Podcasts

SO I just wanted to share with you guys something I’ve been doing lately. I struggle with making it to meetings and while nothing really can take the place of physically being in an AA meeting, I downloaded a pretty sweet app called AA speakers. Its a whole list of different audio recorded AA speakers and I actually listen to one almost every day while I’m in the shower and on my way to and from work. They’re like 45minutes-an hour long but some of them I really enjoyed. Its just other alcoholics sharing their experience strength and hope, and its helped me stay open minded and look at sobriety from new perspectives.
You never know when you’ll just hear something that clicks! Anyway just thought I’d share! Much love from Vermont!


Cheers @Ash Deff going to check it out. I am hesitant to attend an AA meeting for various reasons. So this is wonderful. Thank you!!! Hope you are doing well :blush:

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