Addicted to all highs

I’m not sure if this is the best advice but I’m also someone who is addicted to ‘all kinds of highs’ including risky/dangerous behaviour.
I put it down to my CPTSD/BPD.

But the point I was going to make is ‘highs’ don’t have to be bad! Im sober 42 days and this past 6 weeks has been a journey of ups and downs to find out what’s missing from my life thats caused me to live the life i was stuck in and consume alcohol to fill the void.
It took a bit of time but I’m now replacing the ‘bad highs’ with healthy ones for example:-
Taking my dogs out for long walks in the woods
Early morning drives to somewhere new ive never been when I normally would be hungover

These are just my examples but there’s so much out there like cliff jumping, travelling, painting, learning new skills…You dont need to hurt yourself and put yourself in danger to feel things.

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