My name is Lauren and I’m 20. It feels so pathetic to say I’m an addict at this age. I mean it feels like everyone my age is messing around with drugs, drinking too much and having a lot of sex with anyone; but a lot of people can pick and choose, and leave it or take it, whereas I just can’t. It eats away at me until I just give in, and it’s just far easy to say yes. I have crippling mental health problems and these addictions, but I have so much going for me in my life. I’m at university, I’m talented, I’m an artist, I have so many friends, and a supportive and loving family. I have a part time job which I’m good at, people tell me I’m beautiful and I’m funny and intelligent. I have SO much to live for, but all I do is fuck it up. I’m terrible and disgusting and I want to be better so badly. Today is my first full day sober from cocaine and alcohol, and I am ready to be better.
@Lauren613 hang in there I’m going to tell you your not alone you have already better yourself by saying you do like it and being sober and clean one day is on the right road. I’m9 days in but I’ve had the worst couple days be strong and vent that’s the best we are all addicts to something.
I started around your age. Quit now or it gets much worse.
I agree with @Oliverjava. Couldn’t have said it better myself. You do have so much to live for. I think it is so admiralable for you to recognize there is a problem and to take steps for a better future. As far as your friends go, you never know what their struggles are or what demons they have. But really it should not matter because this journey is about you. You really hit hone for me because my oldest son is 20. So sorry if I sound like a mom. Stay strong!
@Lauren613 good on you, ithe is bloody hard and the addiction is always there with me but I battle on each day and still feel shit but one day I’ll be a better person and won’t feel as ddisgusted with myself. Keep on going !!!
Been there with all of those and you are already in the right direction way before I was your completing the first step realizing you are powerless over it and you can never go back to the glory days of when you started that feeling we were always chasing. It’s like a man that lost his legs they will never grow back which is same for addiction we will never get the first highs or drunks ever again thay we Chase. I went to meetings and they saved my life