Addicted to sobriety?!

Just wondering about being addicted to the idea of sobriety, is it bad? I feel like I am compulsively looking up sober blogs, reading about it, etc. It’s become it’s own ‘thing’. Will it fade? I would prefer to obsess on that than drugs and alcohol, but still!


You do the right thing , it becomes a lifestyle. The way i see it . It helps right? Then its helpfull for you . Changing the way u think . ITS changing your lifestyle . Read about others stories helps me bigtime :slight_smile: thank you

@alexmel that’s certainly better than obsessing over alcohol/drugs. It’s good that you’re doing research on the subject. It will help you a lot in the future.

Don’t see it as an addiction. See it as a strong desire for knowledge. In my daily life I often find some topic that completely infatuates me. I then spend the next week or so learning everything I can about it. After a while, the infatuation fades, but I have gained a ton of knowledge and I’m better off for it.


Yes, true, I usually get interested in a subject and get a little obsessed, so I suppose this is just like that.


I don’t think sobriety is really to negate your addictive or obsessive personality, but it’s more about learning not to obsess over detrimental things like alcohol and drugs. I’m a very strongly addictive person and in my sobriety I’ve compensated essentially by being extremely orderly and timely. Literally my dvds are alphabetized and I will take an alternate route to places if I’m running two or three minutes early of my intended time. These two things occupy my mind and don’t hurt anyone at all so I consider them to be healthy! Now I won’t get pissed if someone messes up my dvds or makes me late, but otherwise I maintain control of those things by eliminating variables in my circumstance!

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Remember a addiction is a symptom . To be free from this is working With your issues and souroundings. Feelings . Keep it up guys . You all have a choice in life

@alexmel know that saying knowledge is power? It is so true. Your educating yourself on your addiction. Nothing wrong with that!

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Searching for something isbway different then accomplishing that goal. I search all day long about exercises to make me lose my baby weight but guess what it hasn’t happened yet. Make the point of DOING INSTEAD of just thinking or searching… Much love :revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts: i know you can be what you want!!

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