Addiction, anxiety, God and a new life

Hi here is my story:

I have addiction in the genes. Grandparents, uncles and aunts who drank to excess. I somehow felt that I wasn’t going to be affected by it, but low and behold I wasn’t immune.

I began drinking in my teens and quickly made it part of my lifestyle. Parties, gatherings, visits to friends all involved some form of drinking. I began smoking weed too.

About 5 years ago it began to increase. A drink and/or a smoke at least every 2nd day. I told myself that it was only one or two drinks and that the weed was ‘natural’ so it couldn’t be bad.

Oh how wrong I was…

I was still physically active, I went to work, I held up my responsibilities, but what I didn’t realise is that each day I was waiting for the moment I could drink and or smoke.
Normally rewarding activities brought no joy. I began to be on autopilot until I could have a fix.

In the last few months of using I started to notice a deep sense of paranoia whenever I got drunk or high. Somehow drinking and smoking just didn’t have the same effect anymore.

Then one day while taking care of chores I had a panic attack (I have been sober since) . This threw me into a deep dark state of emotion that I had never felt before. The severity of the attack lasted the whole day, which prompted me to visit the doctor. Fortunately the tests revealed that I was healthy, but I didn’t reveal to the doctor that I was using… I didn’t realise at that point that I had a problem.

That night I woke up at 1pm and vowed that I would not let this feeling beat me. I started investigating, researching and reflecting. Soon enough I realised that I had a problem. That I had built a life that revolved around drinking, smoking and pleasure. Normal life just didn’t seem the same… My brains wiring was messed up.

I suffered intensely for 4 weeks: Anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, sleepless nights, crying and feeling numb.

But through it all I didn’t ever give up hope. I believed I would beat this.

Now here I am, 7 weeks clean and feeling better than ever. I don’t have cravings and I can feel that my brain is in a healthy state.

So what helped me?

  1. God: In my 2nd week of sobriety God found me. I had a severe breakdown and a close friend prayed with me. With tears streaming down my face I realised that God was calling me back. That he didn’t want me living the life I was. Daily Bible study and prayer has connected me with Christ.

  2. Journaling: Keeping a record of my feelings, my research and daily accomplishments was essential to my recovery.

  3. Running and skipping: I skipped for 2min every time I felt low…it was my anti-anxiety pill. I started to run for 30min a day. I believe these two had a profound effect on my emotions and the speed at which I recovered.

  4. Bed time hygiene: I kept the bed for sleep only. Stopped using devices an hour before bed. Read lighthearted books for 30min before bed. Good sleep is essential to recovery.

  5. Diet: I wasn’t hungry for the first 4 weeks but I decided that eating good food was necessary. Out with junk food and in with lots of fruit and vegetables

  6. Family and friends: I revealed to my close family and friends that I had a problem. They were all very supportive and still are today.

  7. Counseling: I spoke to a registered counselor who was able to give me advice that stemmed from years of experience. They also listen very well which is important for getting things off your chest.

  8. Routine: I needed to let my body and mind know that a change was happening and that it was for the best. By sticking to a routine I found a sense of stability.

If you read all of that, thank you. I hope that my story can provide at least 1 person with hope that there is a better life at the end of drug and alcohol abuse.

Thanks be to God.


Thanks so much for the responses. :smiley:

Thankyou for your beautiful share . I’m sure it will definitely help someone out there x

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