Addiction .........,, , , gggvvvvggggggvgvvvv

I’m currently 6 months clean today. And I still feel depressed and feel like I’m not where I want to be in life. It’s hard not having drugs to numb the pain… I feel like when I see other sober people they seem so happy… Why can’t I get like that

I’m not sure those “happy” people aren’t feeling the same way as you. People have a natural desire for more. More pleasure, more money, more food. I think you are feeling normal and that is hard to get accustomed to. No body is happy all the time. Do you work out? What is your diet like? These are things that can help boost your momentum through out the day. good luck girl. you are 5 months and 3 weeks farther than me!


Happiness is completely within the eye of the beholder. Happiness isn’t going to just snap into place because it should by now, happiness is something you have to work on like a muscle. Don’t judge your life based on other peoples lives, and don’t try to find value in your own life solely based on where you feel like you SHOULD be by now. Be grateful for everyday, life is amazing. Do you have food? Money? somewhere to live in with electricity? a phone? Happiness isn’t based on how much money you have or how well your job is going or how well things are going socially or the ups and downs of sobriety. Happiness stops and begins with YOU. Change the way you think, other people are happy because they have already done that. I used to be depressed all the time and drink to numb that shit and now I’m never sad, because I made a choice to stop being sad and letting myself do the whole “self pity” thing. Because if you keep thinking like that what is going to stop you from falling off the wagon the next time you feel depressed? People think being depressed and sad isn’t something they can change but it IS, you CAN. If you keep this state of mind will your life every get better? Do you know what some people on this site wouldn’t give for 6 months of sobriety? APPRECIATE what you have NOW. In this very moment. Life is way too short and you can die at literally any moment. I always suggest meditation too helped me a lot, You just have to want it! I have faith in you here’s a link


@Shyaneduley Are you in recovery or are you just not using? That makes a world of difference. If you’re doing it on willpower alone, that would make for a miserable existence. Part of sobriety is working on your whole self, not just the addiction. Its changing your mindset and though patterns. It’s looking at solutions and not just the problem. It’s finding unity with like-minded people in sobriety and serving others (to get out of your own head and improves your own mood).

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I’m in recovery. I want to stay clean. I know things don’t come quickly but I just feel like things are falling apart not falling into place… I’m working on finding myself and in my classes we learn about, what causes us to use and WHY we did. So maybe when I get to the root of all of it I’ll feel better. I don’t go to any meetings I feel uncomfortable and have social anxiety. I go to small groups. Don’t have any sober people in my life. I live with an addict. That’s the only place I have to go right now.

Thank you a lot. I will try meditating and let you know if it helped me

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Thank you a lot. I appreciate it. I didn’t wanna post this because I don’t want to be negative. I’m glad I’m sober. I just still don’t know how to feel about everything. I don’t work out and I eat mostly fast food… lol

Thank you alot. Good luck to you too. I hope you keep at it and continue to do good. It’s all will power.

You’re more than free to talk about your feeling, negative or not. You’re going through a lot right now. We’re hear to listen and help if we can