Addictions and this app

I think you’re suffering and need to stick around. Friendships take time to form

Think you’re annoyed and irritated with the forum as a whole and particularly the Zoom group as you got called out on there for racist behaviour (which won’t be tolerated on there or on here because it’s wrong)

But looking past that and onto the future you need to get a program of recovery into your life to become spiritually well :blush:


take what you need and leave the rest, I don’t like cats so don’t look at cat threads, I cook for a living so I avoid food threads but I do look for people struggling and try to give some kind of advice and I do check people’s days that I have watched grow over the years and offer encouragement. Use its strengths ignore its weakness.


you got called out on there for racist behaviour



I do understand I feel their are clicks on the forum after I got done bowling last night I told my wife I probably will stay on and read what people say and to use the counter and read a bit but the most important thing for me is my sobriety and relationship with God I’ve learned there is clicks everywhere which sometimes causes a trigger. God Bless you and thanks for your guys and honesty I feel it comes from your heart.


I meant GUTS to say what you said sorry misprint .

I feel she is allowed to voice it. That’s how she feels and no one can take that from her. We all have different opinions there are clicks everywhere. It’s part of life and will always be. Well everyone have a great day and I’m for one am excited about what God as waiting for me out their. Without this app I for sure what of struggled or maybe failed. Your all my friends.


I’m so very sorry you feel that way… I’m very happy, you’re able to express your feelings.

When I became sober, this app was my only friend. The people here do care! Promise. All people have advice, some advice you like and some you won’t. Everyone has a story, and what helped them get sober… Some people are very harsh, some will tell you just take an easy and do self care. All people here that are regulars want the best for you.

No matter your choice, you are always welcomed back.

Lots of love, hope and gratitude.


@anon23883251, I can definitely understand where you are coming from. I have never been a huge fan of the light hearted threads, so I avoid them. I don’t know if you are aware you can MUTE an entire category, such as the Just for Fun one. Then none of the food, memes, etc will show up for you. You can also mute individual threads. I do this a lot. It helps me locate threads I find helpful. You can also go to a specific category and read thru the topics. I know it is kind of haphazard, the forum is a work in progress and we are all learning to navigate it and tweak it as needed.

I do know a lot of people when they are new here struggle with the silliness and/or friendships they see. That is very understandable. And as others said, this forum won’t be the right fit for everyone. That is okay too. I also know that plenty of folks start off rough and angry and that also can temper with time.

As I think @Mephistopheles said, some of us who have been here for years don’t share or engage as much. It does get tiring sharing the same stories over time and after several years our lives can take us to a less intense place.

I do hope you stay if you wish and find community and support here. But it is 100% understandable if you prefer other forums.
I will also add you can express yourself without calling the forum and members dumb and stupid. We are all just humans, doing our best, where we are at, right now.

Be gentle with yourself @anon23883251 and know you are welcome here. :heart:


Here comes Derek.

Stop coddling this type of behavior. If one person has issues with the entire forum then the problem is with that person. She wants to be miserable so let her.


Honestly I’ve found this app very helpful when I need it to be. Obviously there’s gonna be people’s posting about random shit I don’t care about but it makes them happy in their struggle and this app has been very helpful towards my Addiction to cough syrup and popping benadryls for the Delirium effect. I used to fucking fry my serotonin receptors every night on 30 red pills or more and now the only substances I’m ever taking are Caffeine and Cannabis. Ever since I got on this app I’ve been able to talk about my addiction and my struggles judgement free and it makes me happy to be here. I understand you’re angry but why so negative :frowning:

I feel I have to say something as I feel I’ll feel miserable if I don’t. I just want you to know that nothing of this is meant as an attack.

in my experience, it was great to find a distraction from cravings. And animal pictures can do a really great job with that. Of course, as a non-heroin addict I can’t fill that in for one, but I think every addict can use a distraction from cravings.

for many addicts, journaling is a part of their recovery. They can receive feedback on their behaviour. and there are usually lots of suffering that isn’t shown. Cooking also is part of recovery for many people. They achieve something they couldn’t have done in active addiction. Recovery isn’t just bad, it’s also wonderful.

I do care about someone else’s cooking as it makes me feel wholesome when hurt. but I’m not all people, so I cant fill in how someone else feels.

I’ve only heard about what happened, I wasn’t there, so I’m not allowed to speak up I feel. To me, it has never been triggering, but a vital part of my recovery. You are of course entitled to your opinion.

I think focusing on what’s on your plate is more important than focusing on world problems. If everyone would be doing nothing than snorting coke and drinking, there would not be anyone able to focus on real-world problems.

you’re the first person I hear about this, it could be that I’ve just missed a lot of posts of this forum making people feel terrible though.

I don’t want to be an ass, but there are 8 more replies after this one…

there can be addictions to everything. I for one am addicted to technology and gaming. Whenever I see a post about gaming or recreational technology, I add a trigger warning and mute it. This way future technology addicts(if they ever show up lol) will know to avoid those threads. I must say, I do think it might be a good idea to add a trigger warning to the foodies unite thread if people don’t understand that a thread about food will have food. Also, I’d like to add that this seems a bit hypocritical to me as you posted a picture of a dildo in the foodies unite thread earlier today.

Why only problems? why not the solutions? or the improvement of life to give hope? or the distracting from cravings? It is all part of addiction.

some do indeed. and sometimes it can get annoying. But then I think to myself, these people are experiencing happiness after a long time of constant suffering. It gives me hope to see them happy. It means I can be happy. And it also makes me feel less lonely. I make bonds with the people on here and even though its not an in real life bond,it does help me stay away from the dark thoughts.

did you ask for help though? I for one don’t have a fucking clue how I’d go about helping someone if I don’t know what they need. but that’s just me.

calling someone an ugly bitch and telling them you get sick of seeing their face is indeed a wrong start. I really hope you’ve told Laura what you told me, because I think you really hurt her feelings when you did that(no judgement, I’ve done that more than enough myself)

I really hope I don’t offend you by saying all this. Nothing of this is meant to be malicious in any way, I’d just like to share my view on the matter and hope you can see my view too and hopefully it can help you.

I don’t believe this. I haven’t followed your journey a lot, but I did see you had at least 6 days before and that’s really good. take pride in that

I do have one thing I do really have a big problem with. Lately, to me, it seems like you only get on the forum to make drama. And you also talk about deep conversations, but a deep conversation is not possible if the one you’re conversating with refuses to try and see someone else’s point.


Seems like everything has been said, shall we get back to finding what works for each of us?