Afraid of what during your sobriety?

I’m afraid the most from going back after being sober for 6 months.
What’s yours ?


Before getting sober I was afraid of doing. I had fallen into this totally selfish loop of taking what I needed from life, then resting on my laurels and hiding from it in a bottle. I bought into the belief that I could get by that way and nothing could touch me. It became a self-fulfilling prophecy that left me numb.

Since recovering I re-learned the gifts brought on by mindful action. How much better life is when accepted and approached on life’s terms. That I can be there for my family, get back to exchanging stupid fart jokes with my brothers, contribute to my work team without needing things to always go my way. Things I had lost before.

Now I’m afraid of not doing.


Afraid of failure


Mine was being lonely.

I kind of am, in some ways. I mean I don’t go out as much. But I am learning to spend time on my own which is important to me. And I am also changing my expectations to see the value in some of the other connections I already had.

I am copying @Eke here but it really is about learning to accept life on the terms that it gives me. Some days that’s easier than others!


I’ve been afraid of being…well…me. I played so many roles for so long - and I drank away all the stuff I hid from others. What will folks think of sober me? For that matter, what do I think of sober me?

Jury is still out on all counts. What I know for sure is that, even as I feel like a wobbly baby deer some days, I am genuinely happy more often than not. That’s been a long time coming.


I’m afraid of the whole process. I’ve spent my whole life avoiding anything discomforting. I’m afraid of learning how to face it all. BUT I know that to have real joy I have to do this.


I’m afraid I will stay sober but will still be rejected for what I caused and then falling back into the world of drug and gambling addiction. I really hope this is worth it


I was afraid of feeling the stress of life! But man am I feeling it today! :slight_smile:


I’m afraid sobriety is just going to be unfulfilling. I’ve spent so much of my life drinking I don’t really remember what it’s like being sober


When I first got sober I was pretty much afraid of everything. After working a thorough 4-10 I know longer hold on to those fears. The 10th step promises really do come true!

Stay the course and your Higher power will remove your fears as well


Fears. I heard today at a meeting that procrastination = fear. I can’t tell you how much I use my addiction to procrastinate. On the surface level, fearing the discomfort of unpleasant tasks makes me avoid my work. But when I think about it, I use my addiction to procrastinate actually setting real goals in my life for fear of failure. I procrastinate working on and forming new relationships for fear of intimacy and rejection. When I’m in my addiction, I don’t have to be me. I can avoid reality and tell myself that tomorrow I’ll get sober and deal with life’s problems. But really, what I’m procrastinating (and fearing) the most is actually feeling my feelings. Rage. Disappointment. Despair. Entrapment. Fear. I’m afraid to feel how afraid I am. So I put off feeling at all by numbing myself. In these past 11 days of sobriety, I’ve been very weepy and quick to anger. But I also had a few moments of pure exhilaration and bliss. And a bunch of moments of absolute peace and serenity. When i numb myself to the bad feelings, I numb myself to the good ones too. I heard at a meeting recently that every day I should try to do two things i don’t want to do, just for “exercise.” I guess for someone who is so fucking avoidant it makes a lot of sense. Even if it’s just little things to start out with, maybe it will help me tackle the bigger things.