Alcohol Free Beer - thoughts?

Day 38 - Okay so I know there is no such thing as truly alcohol-free beer. There is a tiny percentage of alcohol in it. I understand that they call it “near beer” because it is near the beer in the cooler. Sooo… I just got a huge promotion at work and wanted to celebrate tonight and have a non-alcoholic beer. What are your thoughts on alcohol-free beer? Has anyone had an experience where it was a catalyst to a relapse? Any input is greatly appreciated. Thank you sober family!

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I’d rather be safe than sorry…


My cousin had years of recovery under his belt. His wife bought him near beer and he relapsed and is still drinking. I personally think it’s a huge trigger and a bad idea. Better to be safe and avoid.


Celebrate with steak or something. NA beer tastes like ass, and since you can’t get drunk off it the only reason to drink it is the taste. Why celebrate with something that tastes like ass?


@Englishd i agree they do taste like ass :laughing: don’t let the mental addiction of having a beer of all things to celebrate risk your hard work!! Re-invent what it means for yourself to celebrate :slight_smile:


Celebrate with a nice dinner! Or likewise. Near beer would temp me to the real thing. Just my opinion of course. Congrats on 38 days keep it going!!


I have had NA beer a couple of times and it was fine. But I can see how it might lead to me getting the thirst so I tend not to bother with them.

I was thinking about why I wanted to drink an NA beer and the best reason that I could come up with was to help me feel more part of social drinking situations. But it didn’t - being with people I like and feel safe with is what matters.

Personally I am happy to just drink different drinks. I have some go to drinks that I save for special occasions that are sweet and sugary and tasty that feel like a treat!

Congratulations on your promotion and enjoy your hangover free celebration however you do it! :tada:

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Tried it and failed…

Then moved onto low Alcohol lager 2%

Which moved onto 3.5% lager

Onto 4%

Then again back to the usual 5% in my regular routine

I won’t touch it now from past experiences. And it’s more expensive than proper lager here :sweat:


You nailed it…

Don’t let the mental addiction of having a beer of all things to celebrate risk your hard work!!

That’s what’s wrong with this situation… Using a beer of any kind for any reason. Run far far away from this idea!


My experience during other quits was the NA beer made me want the real thing.

Best to keep doing what’s working, and avoid the risk.

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I wouldn’t try it either. I think everyone commenting on this thread who replied to your question already covered everything that needs to be mentioned.
For me…I honestly never liked the taste of beer. I just thought some beer tasted LESS BAD than others. I drank purely for the effect. A tease…never did anything for me. I can’t handle a tease. I can’t do “controlled drinking” or “responsible drinking”. Not for long at least. If I choose to drink any alcohol, I’m EVENTUALLY going all in and getting drunk and once again on that path to destroying my life.


Yep - “training wheel” beer, I call it. My logic was “I can drink 24 of these and it only amounts to about 4 normal beers!” Needless to say my logic was quite flawed and I did myself no favors.

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Part of alcoholism is the association with social events and celebrations and holidays and bbqs, etc. I believe we should find a completely different way to celebrate that does not involve partaking in substances, NA or not. It will trigger the, “let’s party and celebrate for real” nerve in your brain and before you know it, you’re hitting up the quick mart for real beer. It is not worth the risk. I agree with everyone here. Focus your celebration on yourself and your accomplishment and go over the reasons why you were able to do such a great job! That’s the real reason to celebrate!


Mahalo nui (thanks much in Hawaiian) for everyone’s input. I was never a beer drinker, but every blue moon I would drink 1 bottle or maybe - at most a bottle and a half. I just like the occasional taste. Now if this were wine or ANY kind of spirits - not a snowball’s chance in hell would I even risk it. That would be the beginning of my next relapse. So I did drink 1 bottle of NA beer and about 1/3 of a second bottle. It didn’t trigger me in any way. No cravings, no thoughts of the ‘good old days’ or anything. It was just like it always was- just a refreshing and bitter, carbonated flavor in my mouth. I couldn’t imagine drinking lots of bottles, but then again I couldn’t imagine drinking beer when I was drinking (unless it was that once in a blue moon situation.) NA wine - no frigging way… Virgin drinks - no friggin way. That’s a very very slippery slope I don’t dare go near! Thoughts?

What island do you live on? I’m taking a trip to the big island in February for an AA campout

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Right on brah. I stay Waiks. #pidgen

In other words - Cool. I live in Waikiki on Oahu. An AA campout on the Big Island? Sounds strangely intriguing. Do tell me more kind Unicorn Sir.