Alcohol night 2 anxiety bad

Night 2. Been drinking for 15 years. Parents owned a bar all of my life and I drank the entire time like a party Animal. Anyway quit drinking and woke up last night with my shirt soaked. Woke up every hour almost on the dot. Freaking out like something wrong because I can’t sleep right. Anxiety and panick bad. I had anxiety before drinking but while drinking It went away. I’m quiting because for myself and secondly for my family I have a 10 yr old a 4 yr old and a 1 year old about to be 2 may 15th. I went to Vegas last week because I knew in my head I was done. I had a massive panick attack there after I became sober the second day.

I hope this gets better.


Welcome Corey

Have a good read around here. This place has been a great place for me to get support in my sobriety. Addiction is too tough to go it alone. We are stronger in numbers. And we are all worth it.
It sounds like you got some great reasons to get and stay sober.
Congratulations on your 2 days. It does get easier.


Here are two good threads to start:


It gets better. The first week or so is really tough. My heart goes out to you.

Ive been there. Hang in there, get baby wipes, drink water, shower, movies, any food you can get down. You’re recovering from a life threatening illness. Keep hitting your short term goals and embrace the suck as best you can.

Keep us posted.


Gratitude can have such a powerful impact on your life because it engages your brain in a virtuous cycle. Your brain has only so much power to focus its attention. It cannot easily focus on both positive and negative stimuli

Soberish – 11 Aug 19

How Gratitude Can Help Combat Anxiety & Depression - Soberish

I’ve always considered gratitude to be a pointless, touchy feely exercise, but as it turns out, it’s actually an incredibly effective tool against anxiety…

I start my day off on the gratitude thread here. Every single day. Check it out if you’re interested. We got lots to be grateful for when we don’t drink. Daily Gratitude List #2
I hope to see you around. Lots of great people here to help you on your journey.


Does sound like you’re withdrawing quite badly. If the hallucinations begin, get yourself to Urgent Care. You could have a seizure. And sometimes it gets worse, not better. Day 5 was hell on Earth for me and I ended up in the ER. Hopefully your cold turkey will subside now. Once it’s out of your system, your brain will begin it’s withdrawal, and that is worse. Just keep an eye on it.

Such great advice in this thread :roll_eyes:

Good luck


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Hey Corey,
Glad you’re here. I’m sorry to hear that you are going through a rough time, but proud to be here with you as you are choosing sobriety over oblivion. Is there a doctor you can reach out to? Coming clean to doctors about where I was at has proved incredibly helpful in my recovery. Not only does it completely address the anxiety (dread, repetitive catastrophic thinking, hyper vigilance about symptoms etc) by putting a trained expert in the loop, but I have also NEVER had any experience other than the doctor being happy to help, impressed with my willingness to face things head on, and really happy to be able to work with a patient to affect meaningful change in their life.
I really cannot recommend contacting a medical professional enough here. How are you feeling now?


Ooohhhh Corey…stay away from trigger places for a while :grimacing: Glad you are here!! I am attaching a link that may help you. Take care and big virtual hugs :heart:

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Feel like I’m paranoid about things that I’m not normally paranoid about. Feeling very tired. Feel like I’m in a daze and confused. Slept about 3 to 4 hours last night. Felt out of it at work all day but made it thru and back to another night of sleep. Hopefully


Hang in there. I’m at the end of day 5 tonight and shocked I got through the first four days of the work week at a new job. Today was the first day I was able to sit all day at work and it still hit me like a ton of bricks. Luckily, the mask I wear at work is so big it takes up half my face so they can’t see how much I’m in distress. But, I surprised myself today, hopefully you’ll have a better day tomorrow.


At this stage, my friend. Minute by Minute. Breath by breath… Are you able to go see a doctor and tell them that you want to quit drinking and that you’re detoxing from X amount of years of drinking? It will help with some of the symptoms and will be less dangerous for your body.

I have seen your pain first hand, stay strong. Positive vibes sent your way.


Sounds like you got a good case of Delerium Tremens aka DT’s. Stay hydrated and if you have anyone that can stay with you for a day or two it might be best so they can monitor you. If it gets worse please seek medical attention.

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Do the DTS go away? I hate looking stuff up. Makes me have more anxiety!

The sweat at night is normal as your body is getting rid of toxins. It might last up to a week. It’s horrible, I know. The anxiety is also normal, and I too am experiencing it massively on day 16. My advice is to see a GP if it doesn’t settle soon. Detoxing after such a long time, you can also be at risk of seizures, so I’d always advise medical assistance while doing so.
Good luck.