Alcohol problem

Hi, my name is Evelina, and i dont know really if i got alcohol problems or just bad self-discipline . bit i drink often one or two times a week, and i get really drink, and i mean really… I drink orten cause i just want to escape reality. I think too much about everything and the alcohol always been my escape. Im really afraid of that it might get very bad soon, about a month and half i were raped by a person on a party, me and my friends were at a party and they left a bit earlier than me and i got very drink the last our and passed out when i were heading out from the apartment, and a guy followed and raped me on a parking lot, two people who lived just nearby saw the whole act and called the police and they arrested him directly. And dispite all this i didnt stop drinking, and i dont know why, i dont feel good when im drinking but it takes my mind of all these thoughts, but it feels like im losing respect and love from my family and friends, and i just want it all to stop, cause i dont feel like this is a proper way to handle this kind of stuf, i need a peptalk or just someone who believe in me, cause no one thinks im gonna make it, and it tares me apart


Hi @Evelina94. I would say if you are questioning if you have alcholol problems, you probably do. Self-decipline has nothing to do with it. Its a disease, but the good news is your in the right place to start.
I am so sorry to hear about being raped. There are disgusting people out there. I too have been raped and more than once. 4 to be exact. 3 of which alcholol was involved. Lots of “boys” prey on intoxicated woman especially if alone. And as you did, it didn’t stop me from drinking. Matter of fact now that I think about it it was part of the reason it got worse. I just started to feel real feelings again. The feelings of being raped have not surfaced yet, but I know some day they will. I am scared to face them. I didn’t even mention my attacks in my story. Now its out of the bag. Thank you for posting this. It helps me to acknowledge it happened.

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Hello @Evelina94. I’m sorry to hear that you were raped. No one should ever have to endure such an experience. You too @Lvng1dayatatime1.
Stay strong & know that no matter what state you were in when it occured, nobody ever has the right to take advantage of someone like that. What happened is not & never will be your fault.
Like @Lvng1dayatatime1 said, if you think you have a problem with alcohol chances are you probably do. The good news is that you are not too far down the rabbit hole & also you are not alone! Please remember that. Also you have taken a big step in the right direction by joining this forum. Keep sharing & reading about other’s experiences because you might see yourself in them & it really helps to know you are not alone. Good luck!

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Im so sorry to hear that!! I can relate that the drinking just getting worse after, its just feels like its to much thoughts in my head that i cant handle. i like a boy really much, we’ve been on/off for about a year and a half and all he really asked for is for me to stop drinking… And i’ve promised him so many times to stop and now doesnt believe me, i can understand him, but it breaks my heart that he dont want any contact with me. But maybe it is for the best right now,i know i have to stop drink and realize i cant do this anymore, im so sorry to heat that you’ve been through rape three times:( i know there are days thats härader, but im here if you would like to talk <3

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Thank you for your supporting words!! I feel like its time for a change, cause alcohol are not giving me anything positive, and i feel really good about that i’ve taken a step towards a better life, i know its gonna be hard and that im gonna struggle sometimes, but it’ll all be worth it in the end right? :facepunch:


Absolutely 100% I started out just not going out 1 weekend and now its turned into 3. Plus my skin looks clearer and I’ve lost 3 lbs.


Bukowski wrote that alcohol made it feel as if the world didnt have its hands around your throat. I too use alcohol to escape reality. Come join us in the chat anytime.


Yeah thats just how it feels, thank u!

Good for you!! So strong🙌

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This app makes me strong. My weakness is alcohol. I have had up to 3 beers week now but that is it. I realize am not a raging alcohol but I want to keep it that way.


@Evelina94 thank you for sharing your story, and im really sorry that you got raped No one earn that shit. You really should find someone you really trust .a profesional, doctor atleast something that can help you trough that . And i really think you should stop drinking, if it does Hurt your everyday life, your body .if you cant handle it you should stop. I do hope you find the strength to find out what you need to do. In this forum its Tons of support .