Alcoholic & Compulsive Overeater

Hello, I am an alcoholic and compulsive overeater, sober since June 2017, but sadly my eating has got way out of control so I am starting this thread to help track my progress of abstinance from binge eating.

My chosen recovery programmes are Alcoholic Anonymous(AA) and Over Eaters Anonymous(OA). I will be using AA/OA for F2F support, MyFitnessPal (My userid is Wahinegoddess) for meal planning and exercise and this app for journaling.

IMPORTANT: If you join in this thread, please leave out judgement of other people’s diet plans or personal gains and/or setbacks. First it’s none of our business what/how another person eats or their rate of progress and second we learn best by taking the cotton out our ears and putting them in our mouths (could even lose weight that way :grin:). This is an OA rule. Good Luck :crossed_fingers::pray:


There’s quite a few people with other eating disorders here that focus around restriction (anorexia and bulimia spring to mind) - so can I just ask for everyone to be mindful with language? For example, not berating yourself for gaining weight or glorifying weight loss at the expense of everything else.

Can I also ask trigger warnings to be included on posts that discuss food types, calories and weight.


Obviously this is just a request and everyone should be able to get the support they need in their addictions. But this platform is really bad for people with EDs that center around restriction. I think it could benefit from a bit of mindfullness around weight loss / calorie counting posts :blush:


Thanks @Ashleigh, those are excellent points, I have amended parts of my intro. Hopefully there wont be any triggers or cross judgements.


STEP 1: “We admitted we were powerless over food that our lives had become unmanageable.”

I’ve been obsessed with food as long as I can remember. I am so self conscious of my size, my weight and shape it consumes the majority of my time. My body is exhausted by the effects of consuming too much sugar and the mental torment that accompanies this disease. I do have a desire to stop eating compulsively which qualifies me for the OA programme. Question is when am I going to start abstinance?

Tomorrow’s things todo list looks ridiculous: Therapy in the morning then sign police statements. Sister invited herself for lunch because she is worried about my mental state going through this awful separation. My bff continues hassling me to go to the gym to workout for the same reason as my sister but I’m feeling too self conscious. The mountain of work, admin and housework that’s staring me in the face.

Just looking at tomorrow’s list makes me feel a little ill but I am thankful at the same time that I have some people who care about me. I am going to go easy on myself tomorrow.

Next time I will book therapy for the evening so I don’t feel drained during the day. I can’t avoid signing the police papers but I can schedule a time with bff if she hassles me again about the gym. I will enjoy lunch with sister and afterwards get all priority one jobs done and the rest can wait if I run out of time.

I remember that I have one days worth of meals already prepped which I can eat on Saturday. I can go out early Saturday to buy fresh produce and meal prep for next week.

So day one abstinence for me will start Saturday 15th December 2018 :point_up:


So glad you made this. Besides an alcohol addiction I also battle an eating disorder (binge eating). This has been a struggle all my life. Today December/14/2018 is my first day to sticking with clean eating. Food has always been a problem for me. I find comfort in food and tend to stress eat. I’m sticking to it though. I’ve done it before and I CAN do it again. During Christmas this is going to be hard haha but we got this folks! I plan to take a month of focusing fully on my food intake. Detoxing my body. I then plan to incorporate excercise into my daily routine once I feel comfortable with tacking that on too to not overwhelm myself. :blush::sparkling_heart: