All I can do is tell my story

I remind myself of this often.

I remind myself that this is not facebook. I didn’t send out friend requests, I didnt accept friend frequests. I know no one here. As people come, I know nothing about them. I am reminded, and try my best, to temper my words to my story. I hope that they open a dialogue.

I know from my own experience, that if you try to save “the world”…frustration follows. I am but an icon and some words on someone’s screen. Nothing more, nothing less.

When I first got here, I was not going to do AA. With some of what I saw about AA on here, there was no way I was going to set in a room with people like what I saw. Granted, I was newly sober, and the brain was still operating on alcohol…which means…not operating well.

Then one day, someone told me their story, and it opened a dialogue. From what she told me of her experiences, I could ask questions…make comments…and realized what AA was. I went to a meeting…and the rest is history.

School taught me the evils of alcoholism. I did not listen. Friends from college told me I had a problem, I did not listen. Fellow Naval officers told me I had a problem, i did not listen. When I got out of the service, I noticed no one around me drank like I did. I told myself I had a problem, I did not listen.

When I hit bottom I was ready to listen. Advice, recommendations did not work. It was a someones story that finally engaged my brain.

After a few 24hrs, I was full of myself. I grew frustrated that people were getting sober “the wrong way”…I became frustrated, they were not working at it.

The frustration, was not because of them…it was my ego, my shortcomings. Then I listened in a meeting…and old timer told me his story. A lightbulb went off…

All I can do is tell my story, pray, and be open for the discussion if it happens.


Bumping this …

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Just some thoughts that have been running thru my head.


I am but an icon and some words on someone’s screen. Nothing more, nothing less.

You are more, we are more. We are strength and experience and hope. We are human demonstrations of divine redemption. We are loved. You are loved. And we are love.

And we are powerless over the choices others make. Choices of how they hear us and choices of how they heed us. And we stand as witness to the consequences of those choices, to learn for good or ill from them.

Blessings on us all. A thousand times a thousand blessings. :pray:


You are one of the good ones.


I am no better than anyone else. Just a different perspective.


That comment was more about my “being” on here to a new comer


Oh I know, you’re a total pain sometimes


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As was mine, Scott. We are somewhat anonymous to the newbie. Sometimes I get caught up in how the physical barriers give way in the face of spiritual movement. You know that saying "You may be the only Big Book a person sees "? Kind of like that. Our words here do not have the same nature as those spoken face to face, true. But I need to be true to myself so that what comes out is truth. Not opinion or bias or games people play.

The best amends I can make in my intimate relationships is to stay sober. And similarly, the best approach to a stranger is for me to be sober and truthful about how that happened and how it is maintained.

And I’ve been up since 0 dark early, so I may not be as nuanced as I want to be!


Total pain is my middle name

I completely understand…0dark 30 here as well

You’ve never once been a pita here

I was in the beginning, should have walked away from a few conversations that I could not let go.

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I love this. This really hit me in a very peaceful way. Thank you!!

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I love this and need this reminder right now:

And we are powerless over the choices others make. Choices of how they hear us and choices of how they heed us. And we stand as witness to the consequences of those choices, to learn for good or ill from them.


Well said your doing great , when i share at meetings my stories changed in away when i was a newcomer i shared about my drinking days and how i got sober and how i am today ,which took up most of the 45 min share today as you know im along time sober almost double the years i was drinking so my recover is mostly what i share about now keep on trucking