Almost 6 month off meth but 20 days off cigs 🥵

Omg cigarettes are honestly probably harder to quit for me… I’m so anxious and craving almost constantly. I’ve been on and off smoking for 18 years and it gets harder everytime. Send good vibes for it to stick this time!


Congrats on your sobriety! I’m about 2.5 years off cigarettes at this point :raised_hands:t2: Reading Alan Carr’s Easy Way to Quit Smoking was really helpful for me if you’re interested…I highly recommend it. It’s on audible as well. One of the best decisions I ever made.

Hey I quit smoking 6 days ago and it has been soooo much harder than alcohol. I’m in the same boat as you!
Just remember though it’s the habit that your craving not the tobacco etc. That all detox’s within a few days and is no longer in your system. Cigs are SO habitual.
Today for me has been the toughest and worst day so far. I’ve been pulling out all the strategies I used when quitting alcohol and applying them to the cigs. It does help.
Sending you lots of strength today, you CAN do this! Just take it 1 day at a time and focus only on getting through today :star2:

Im right with you on it being harder than all the drugs I put down. But I’m working on the cigs as well. I’ve been doing physical activities when I want to smoke. Like go for a walk or workout if you have time. Or just anything keeping the mind and or hands busy. Working out is best, I feel for breaking any habbit. And leg workouts. I know the worst ones. But it releases endorphins.