Almost day 5!

What What! I am 5 hours away from day 5! I thought it would never come. Each day I feel a little more positive! :slight_smile: :heart:


Awesome! & with each new day comes new positive things to explore in life that we never could have reached with our addictions.


Absolutely @marty! If only I could sleep!!!

Try Melotobin ( probably spelt wrong) but harmless & helps u sleep

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Thanks @marty ! I’ll try anything! Ive been on a Unisom & PM diet. :confused:

Where ya fr lisa?om?

It’s Lise like Elise and I’m from South Fl.

Got it, thks. , I envy u living in Florida, lately the Sun is the thing that gives me the most positive energy in life

@marty, I hate it here. I had 3 friends die the last 3 months. It’s getting more and more ghetto and everyone is getting shot.

Sorry for your los Lise, that’s horrible. Do you have ties keeping u there? Or opportunities to move?

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@marty, I have a dying aunt and my immediate family here as well as the guy Im dating who isn’t an addict, doesn’t owe me anything and has been absolutely amazing since I decided to tell him that I’m an addict and I’m ready to quit. I lived in the Catskills for 3 years and I have a lot of friends up there and family only a couple hours away. The plan is to ultimately end up back there. But with work and everything it will be a few years.

@marty, I truly appreciate your support. Unfortunately death is all too common here with friends. My friend would have been 29 yesterday and died from a heart attack after being sober 3 months. It’s a never ending cycle.

I’ll keep you in my prayers, we made it another day.


The Catskill looks like a prey cool place to live. Maybe the 2 of u could make it a goal in time to relocate. Enjoy the time you have with your Aunt. I understand loss, in Nov. It will be a year since my mom past. Once both your folks are in Heaven things seem different. I still talk to them daily though. Be Strong!

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Born in the catskills raised in So Fl…and yes, Florida is a hell hole!

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@marty, my biggest fear in life is losing my parents. I’m so blessed to have 2 loving parents. My Mom is my rock. I’m so sorry for your loss! I would do the same as far as talking to them daily.

As far as NY, yes it’s absolutely gorgeous! It’s somewhat of a culture shock from here though lol! So peaceful! :slight_smile:

On day 6 #killingit! My car is in the shop so I cant run to the store for Melatonin & this no sleep thing is getting to me quite a bit but aside from that, I’m doing pretty ok. Hope you are too!

@Rikk, that’s a fact! Just read your bio, I can’t imagine the loss’ you’ve suffered. I can imagine it hinders some ability to keep a clean and sober life. I’ve lost a best friend and that ruined me for a long time. I hope today things are easier than the past. I hope you are well!

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Yeah it’s been rough…
Waking up from my coma just to watch my life fall apart like some really bad dream that i couldn’t wake up from really sent me for a loop!
It took me years just to realize that it was all real and not a dream, when i finally did the reality was too much to handle so i tried to bury it with drugs and alcohol.
Things are a little better now but it will never be “OK”…being sober leaves no place to hide so the hard part is facing it clear headed.
I have accepted the fact that if i survived what I’ve been through then i can survive sobriety…one day at a time.

Thanks Lise, I’m sure that your also your mom’s rock. I know that how much strength I also get from my boys & we’ve had some very tuff times.
I’m lucky enough to be in the country north of milwaukee, but I do some traveling with work through the get of milw. So I can relate a little bit to that.
Hope you get some sleep tonight girl.
Your at day 6 & I’m @ day 9. Hopefully u will Stay 3 days behind on the trail of sobriety, if I have to hit reset I’m not going to be happy.
One month is my main goal for now…