Almost to 3 months

I have been completely sober for almost 3 months. The longest I have been in 12 years. I am still feeling better each day, and it does get easier each day. Losing more weight, saving money, excelling at work. Getting more rest, sticking to my diet. Another thing to note too, I don’t get as sick as often. Alcohol suppressing my resilience. Best thing I have ever done. I think for my 3 month milestone, I am going to treat my self to damn good steak and ice cream. Just a week and and half to go


Awesome, can’t wait to be there! Congrats! :ice_cream:

Congrats!!! Very inspiring:) I’m almost 2 months and some days suck, but most of the time I feel alive :slight_smile:

well done :relaxed:keep it up

Congratulations!! :icecream::icecream::icecream: