Almost to double digits wooty!

its been almost 10 days since I blew any tree and my sleep is finally getting better.

I used to be a functional smoker…i could wake up, smoke, go to work and be a productive member of society…but as the days go on, I feel more focused than ever. But over all I still feel weird like I am still faded…is this what sober feels like?

Its a nice feeling. I can see the changes in my face already…like my eyes don’t look like they are sunk back in my head…its a trip. Im grateful for this app. Gives me an outlet to voice what I feel without going to a meeting (not that I would anyways because I am anti social and have anxiety issues).

Great things are on my horizon…and for once they’re within reach.


Hello, I smoked a lotta pot for 7 years almos every day. My biggest sobriety was two weeks. I quit smoking weed 17 days ago. I felt the same like you, I smoked a blunt with my best friend two days ago and I feel more tired more deconcentrated. After 12 days, my nightmares and insomnia faded away. Just keep going with this app, dont smoke pot cuz as I have told you, you will feel like a “used tissue” again.

Good luck for sobriety

An ex-blunthead


I think about it here and there but I don’t want to restart my clock. I got tired of being dependent on it. Needed it to sleep, needed it to focus but then I realized its been really my only constant my whole life. Time to learn some new tricks. Stay up!

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How is your sobriety going on? Did you quit smoking trees successfully or slipped back?